11 "going on a bear hunt"

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Olivia pov

"OLIVIA COME BACK" "LIV PLEASE DON'T"  I tried to block out Anthony's and Jaden's shouts but they continue to chase after me with their loud words. I needed to lose them because I do not want to face Jaden and how upset he is going to be when I tell him everything, the same with Anthony.

So I picked up the pace and ran into the woods, don't worry I'm not stupid enough to go to the bridge. Instead I run straight past it, I continue to run and run and run. I run through the dark parts of the forest, I run across the green swaying fields, I stumble through thick oozy mud. Now all I all need to do is to run through a blizzard and find the bear, but unfortunately it's summer.

I reach a river that flows underneath a busy road. I walk along the pebbles until I'm under the road, I sit down on the damp concrete floor. I breathe in and out slowly to try catch some of my breath, but I end up just panting. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them, I place my head on top of my knees.  I could feel the warm salty tears run gently down my cheeks, I feel like all I do at the minute is cry.

Well at least I'm not at school, I could cry here and not get sympathy, I don't want people's sorrys or their frowns. I want someone to fill the dark void that follows me, I feel alone and I feel empty. I know I have plenty of people that love me but even if you are surrounded by thousands of people you can still feel alone.

I don't know what to do, I feel like a disappointment.

I look up to see the sky dark, I have really been sat here for that long. I hear someone panting above me, I gulp hoping that it is not Jaden or Anthony. I cover my mouth so that the person doesn't hear my shaky breath.

I watch the water ripple as water droplets hit the water, but the thing is it's not raining. I listen in and hear the person crying, from what I can tell it's a girl. "Arghhhh" she shouts "Come on Lydia this is pathetic" she yells in frustration. "You can't be a flat stick if you want to fit in that dress." She cries, I feel this pit in my stomach, I feel bad for Lydia.

Maybe I just have misunderstood her, maybe she hides her insecurities. I stand up and walk up the slope and on to the pavement she is on. Come on Olivia you can do this. I walk up to her and she quickly turns around and faces me, she looks scared but then quickly hides it by putting on a typical bitch face. "Ly-dia are you okay?" I ask but it's more of a whisper.

She looks taken back but then smirks, "No because I'm unfortunate enough to be staring at the ugliest slut on the earth" she says cruelly. I try my hardest not to cry, "Wow not even a tear, maybe your not a pathetic as I thought, but still are you not going to go off and kill yourself, I mean everyone knows your depressed, so maybe I should be careful of what I say?" She cackles, personally I don't get what she just said but that might just be my social awkwardness.

"Being offended never killed anyone!" I mumble, "excuse me?" She snaps, "My Grandpa always used to say that being offend never killed anyone" I reply and a confused look spread across her face.

"Your so weird" she states and shakes her head. "Why don't you just leave, I mean come on do you not consider how you make other people feel. Why should Avani, Jaden and that other boy put up with your brokenness, I personally would feel exhausted with a friend like you!" She says and then struts off.

I stand there and let her words sink in, damn, maybe she is right.

"Oh thank god!" I hear someone say with relief, a hand is placed on my shoulder and I flinch a little, I'm suddenly spun around to face Mads. "Buttercup don't scare me like that," she says and pulls me into a tight hug. I don't hug back, I'm to busy replaying Lydia's words in my head.

" let's go home Liv" she says sadly and wraps her hand around my wrist. I notice how tightly her grip is, I look at her outfit and it's perfect for running. I frown, Blossom hates running, she thinks I'm going to make a run for it.

The walk home was silent, I wanted to say something but I didn't because I would probably just say something wrong and wreck our friendship.

We reach the front door and she gestures for me to go in first. She might think that it's helping me by putting me first but honestly it's not working, it just makes me feel worst. Walk into the lounge to see my mum, Jaden and Anthony sitting on the sofa.

My mum stands up, but her face looks angry. "Where the hell have you been, what did I tell you about skipping, and why the hell did you run off, and why do you always lie to me and your brother?" She yells, I could see the tears in her eyes. "I don't know" I mumble as look down at my feet.

I watch as Jaden stands up, he walks over to mum "I'm sorry" he says quietly and then quickly walks over to me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. I grab hold of his top and bury my face into it, he begins to rub my back. "Liv please let me help you?" He begs, I nod and he grips me tighter. Honestly I like this moment, I have never felt more wanted.

A/n this chapter was a complete mess, but oh well.

It's now summer holiday so should be able to update more often.

And thank you for 31k reads.

Okay so my going to ask some questions, you don't have to answer.

Favourite tv show couple/ship??

Favourite movie couple/ship??

Favourite sibling bond from a tv or movie?

What country are you from?

What's one of the dumbest things you have done?
(I put a kettle in the fridge, instead of the milk)

Favourite clothing brand??

Anyway love you and damn we have over a thousand comments on this book 😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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