Chapter 6

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I wait until the end of the school day, with butterflies flying around in my stomach. 

They are literally doing the cha-cha slide in there. I can feel them going slide to the right, slide to the left, turn my whole stomach around and inside out

As you can probably tell, I am a nervous wreck.

I take the Time Turner in my hand and I turn it once. I zoom through space and time and enter biology for the second time that day. 

I recognize the lesson. It was on taxonomy. 

I zone out on the lesson because I already have the note and focus on thinking up conversation starters. When the class is almost done, the teacher gives us some time to talk to each other.

I walk over to Liam's desk and say, "Hey, I like your t-shirt. How much tax-onomy did you pay to get a shirt that awesome?"

I internally cringe at my cringey pun. He looks up at me and laughs. We then proceed to start a conversation about his t-shirt, which is a Maroon 5 shirt. Me being the fan I am, proceeds to gush about Maroon 5 and their music. 

I begin to ease up and have a pleasant conversation.

Over the month, I turn back time every day, and inform Theo on my progress. 

One of the times Theo actually insisted that he come along for the ride, but I told him no. Of course, I promised to take him along for a "time turning joy ride" another time!

Over the course of time, and revisits to time, I became a close friend to Liam. 

I introduced him to Alexis, and she proceeded to wiggle her eyebrows and smiled. 

Hanging out with Liam was a blast, and I thought that things were going really well. Which was why, when he asked me the following question in his biology class the next day, I was taken aback. 

Liam: Hey Lili, what do you think of Marissa over there?

Me: Yeah, she's super nice!

Liam: Great! I'm going to ask her to hang out this weekend!

Me: Sounds great! Where do we want to meet up?

Liam: Um, Silly Lili, you're not invited. Sorry my dude. Another time, k?

Me: Um, ok.

I had been friend zoned.

That week, I stopped attending Liam's biology class. He didn't seem to notice. He was too busy hanging out with Marissa. 

Alexis gravely informed me of their relationship status the next day. It was great...for them. Not so great for me.

I went back to ignoring Liam and trying to move on.

It was Theo who gave me hope. I had called him to complain about my lack of luck and current predicament when he told me this: 

"Lili, perhaps he had liked Marissa longer than you realized and when you became friends, he was just seeking approval for his choices. In order for him to like you, you have to become close before he even started to like Marissa."

And that is when I remembered my conversation with Liam in tenth grade English. I had to turn back time a whole year. This was going to be interesting.


Hey all! I hope that you guys are excited for the next chapter! I sure am!!!

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