Chapter 11

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I am once again deposited in the small hallway, my mother by my side. Time has reset itself.

"Honey, are you ready," my mother questions.

"I guess I'm as ready as I can be," I reply, because what else can I say. I do not feel prepared for what I am about to do.

I approach the classroom with my nerves on fire. I only have today to fix things because I have to be out of here in five hours before everything gets set in stone.

When I enter the classroom, a flood of memories consumes my brain. The little chart in the corner with the birthday's of every student written in purple ink. The quaint bookshelf, right next to the rug adorned with the images of fairy tale characters.

Little Billy with the chipped tooth. Alexandra with the never ending chatter. Shain with the insanely curly hair. I remember all of these guys.

I don't say anything, however, because I am the new girl.

After checking out the entire room, my eyes find the little girl that I am looking for. She has a little plaid dress on and her hair is tightly held back with a pink headband. Alexis.

I begin to walk towards the empty desk right beside her that I know is meant for me to sit in. This is how the story is supposed to go. I should know, I've already lived this.

When I reach the desk, I smile at her. She gives me a wavering smile back, like she is unsure how to react to the new girl sitting next to her.

"I don't bite," I say with a nervous smile and a small laugh in my voice.

She nods. 

As I am beginning to put my stuff down, her mouth opens. I wait for her to say that she was assigned to show me around. 

Instead she says, "That seat is taken".

I am slightly taken aback. "No it's not. It can't be. I am meant to sit here," I reply back, a confused expression coming over my face.

Alexis looks at me perplexed. "Uh no, my best friend sits there", she says. I am about to say that I am her best friend, when I remember that she has no idea who I am.

Just then a little boy comes running over and sits down next to Alexis. He has black hair swept to one side and amber eyes with skin the colour of a Hershey Kiss.

It is Theo. He sits down right beside Alexis.

It is then that I learn of rule number 5 to time travel.

If you are stuck in the past for more than five hours, a version of you permanently stays in the past and the past is altered, in turn, permanently changing the future. 

This means that since Theo was in the past over the five hour limit, him being in Alexis' class and being her friend is permanent.

The rest of the morning is miserable. Billy with the chipped tooth tours me around, but we do not become fast friends.

In class, even Theo doesn't know who I am because this is a past version of himself.

The worst blow. Liam has zero idea that we were friends in a past version of this. Sice I wasn't in the past for more than five hours, Liam's fourth grade memories were reset meaning that he has no recollection of fourth grade me.

I have zero friends. My worst fear of being alone and friendless was slowly becoming true. If I didn't fix this soon, it was going to become my present reality.

I felt like Hermione did during her first months at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron were the best of chums but she was friendless.

I was really hoping that I would not have to face a troll in the bathroom to become her friend.

Lunch was the worst. There is no feeling more horrible than sitting quietly by yourself at your desk eating a stale sandwich while nobody bothers to talk to you or even spare you a glance your way.

When the bell finally rang for recess, I bolted out of my classroom. Outside, I went to the corner of the school where the bike racks were.

Spinning my time turner, I was engulfed in the whirlwind of light once again, already my memories of Alexis becoming hazy.


Theo's POV:

My travel sickness was already reducing.

Alexis was busy brewing a pot of coffee for us. When she came into the room with 2 mugs, I was surprised when she called me "bestie".

Looking at her confused, she said, "Hello, Theo, we've been best friends since grade 4 when I toured you around the school. You must be really sick if you don't remember our first encounter."

It all stared coming back to me then. When I time traveled, I was put into the class Lili was supposed to be in, and I guess that altered the past, making it so that Alexis was my best frend, not hers.

When I asked Alexis if she knew Lili, she confirmed my suspicions. She had no recollection of her former best friend.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. When I looked down, i saw Liam's name on the screen. I quickly opened the message:

Liam: Hey dude. So it seems as if Alexis no longer remembers Lili. Lili has gone into the past to try to re-alter reality. I was wondering if you could try to get Alexis to remember on this side of time?

Me: Sure dude. I'll try.

Liam: Thanks man.

Oh boy. Thinking through my Harry Potter knowledge, I coukdn't think of any spell to bring back any lost memories. There was Obliviate charm to take away memories, but I couldn't think of a way to bring them back.

I mean, there was a Remembrall, but that would only confirm that Alexis had forgotten something, or lost her memories. The Remebrall would definitely be filled with red smoke. 

However, it might be useful in seeing Lili's success from this side of time. I mean, if a Time Turner could work, a simple Remembrall could most definitely be real and work.

Telling Alexis that I would be right back, I set out for the closest Potter shop. 

I was going to track Lili's progress.


Hey Everyone! This chapter was super fun to write because I got to introduce another Potter object, the Remembrall!!! I hope you guys liked this chapter. Please vote and comment however you like. I would really appreciate some feedback in the comments section and some suggestions for future chapters.

QOTD: What Harry Potter object would you guys like to see in my story next?

I have a fun little idea for a future chapter which references something in the first Potter book.

Let me know your object idea and what reference you think I am going to make in future chapters in the comments below!!!

Stay Awesome Everyone!!!

Time TurnedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя