Chapter 7

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I skip school that day. I claim that I am sick. Sick with terror and nerves, but I don't say that. I am currently in my room with Theo. 

He just entered my house. Thankfully my parents were at work.

He came over to tell me that he wants to use his amusement park ticket. Also known as, he wants to come with me back in time to see me when I was in tenth grade. 

However, before we can go, I need to figure out how to make sure that nobody sees a double me. Because that will be really hard to explain. 

It is then that Theo gets a genius idea. I need to get into my old English class before by former self gets there. And I need to intercept myself in the past and explain the situation.

I quickly get ready, and together, after doing some math, I turn back time.

It is a whirlwind, and Theo's hand is clasped tight in mine.

When I arrive, I am mildly shocked at how tiny we all used to be.

It is then that I see her. Little Lili amid a crowd of thousands. She is alone. 

I remember that day. Alexis was off at volleyball practice and I was waiting outside of English long before anybody else because I was lonely.

I quickly grab her/my hand and drag her into the girls bathroom. Even Theo comes with us, but I don't have time to kick him out.

"Hey Lili, I'm Lili from the future, and if you want any chance with Liam, you need to stay here while I sort things out, okay?", I tell her.

It goes better than I expected. She nods her head and locks herself in a bathroom stall. I feel kind of bad. I just scarred myself for, well, life. 

I look at the time. I have 4 hours and 30 minutes left. As Theo, my designated informer at all things Potter related had told me, I only had 5 hours in the past before things turned ugly.

In brief, I needed to be in and out.

While I was in English, Theo ran interference, guarding the door to the girls bathroom.

I did less useful things. I thought of all the ways this could go horribly wrong. What if it still doesn't work? I asked myself. But I was thinking clearly enough to acknowledge the fact that I was nervous and moved on.

By the time English was over, I had a game plan.

Me: Hey Liam, are you ready to get our report cards?

Liam: I'm kind of nervous. I hope that I don't get a 70% in English.

Me: Don't worry, you'll do great! Uh oh, this is going just like it was before...By the way, I just thought I would let you know that I like you and would love to hang out some time.

I would love to tell you that we passionately hugged after that and declared our unrequited love to each other but nope. Thankfully it wasn't too terrible...

Liam: Hey cool. Let's go to a movie on Saturday!

It took a couple more trips to the past to settle things but in the end, it all worked out. Me and Liam are officially an item. 

But you know, in the high school way. I have read dozens of books where high schools profess their love for one another. Honestly, it is ridiculous, because high school doesn't work like that, or at least high school relationships don't work like that.

In all reality, what I had with Liam was more of a really close friendship. Because that is what high school relationships are like. Really close friendships. But I was okay with that.

What I didn't know was that by getting a "really close friendship" with Liam, I would doom another really close friendship.


Hey guys! I had a ton of fun writing this chapter, and I am so excited by where this story is going! I hope y'all feel the same way, cause this is just the beginning! Comment below which friendship you think is going to take a nose dive.

QOTD:  If you were a kitchen appliance, which one would you be?

 What kitchen appliance are you? Comment down below with an explanation!

I'm going to take a quick break from writing but I'll be back soon to continue the story (like a day break! Don't worry, new chapters are coming soon)

By the way, this is going to be a relatively short story (15 chapter max probably) so feel free to message me any ideas that you have!

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