Chapter 13

13 1 2

Theo's POV:

With a Remebrall in hand, Alexis and I wait. And wait, and wait some more. The five hours feel like infinity, never ending.

All I see in front of me is red smoke. She still does not remember.

I look at the time. In ten minutes I should have my answer. It goes by agonizingly slowly.

I hear the alarm go off. The Remebrall is still filled with a pulsing red smoke. I sigh. No success I guess.

Looking back up, however, I see the Remebrall begin to shift in appearance. The colour of the smoke fades and dilutes, like it is being filled with water, making the fog pink, then clear. The fog then completely goes away.

Looking over at Alexis, I see an expression on her face as her memories flood back. Strangely, memories that I never knew existed came to me. 

Myself, Lexi and Lili making snowmen in grade 5. Every one of their birthday parties. 

It seems like these memories were those of another Theo, but it made me happy to know that maybe, in another lifetime, I had known my two best friends since the dawn of time.


Lili's POV:

Annnd, I'm back. Me, tall and 16 and better than ever. My life is completely back to normal. I have my best friend Lexi and my other bestie Theo.

It seems that Theo now shares my earliest memories of Lexi, but I'm okay with that. It just makes us all that much more closer.

It is then that I see the two Liam's on the couch. It's not like I can bring the now tall, fourth grade Liam back into time, as another version of him exists, or maybe...

"Hey, Present Liam, how would you feel about having a twin?" I say.

"Lili, I would honestly love that. It's kinda been a dream of mine," Liam replies.

"Cool," I say, "One sec then, I'm going to need to borrow Past Liam real quick."

In a flash of light, I am gone, Past Liam in tow. We both shrink. 

Walking into the classroom that I know Liam is in, I deposit Past Liam, telling him that his name is actually Leonard and that his long lost twin Liam is in that classroom. Ahhh, how moldable a fourth grade mind is.

With Leonard now safely deposited into the classroom, I return back to the present.

Just as I had hoped, a live and real 16 year old Leonard appears next to Liam, with the mind of a 16 year old. Liam's memories are also altered so that he thinks he has a twin.

With his new companion, my job is that much easier. I break up with him. The typical, "It's not you, it's me" speech.

Honestly, we are better off as friends, and us being together almost cost me my friendship with Lexi. No man is worth sacrificing your best friend for years for. 

He's cool with it. Maybe he'll go to be with Marissa. All I know is that we're still friends and my life is great.

To think all of this started with a book club. How things change.

I take off the time turner, and though a beautiful necklace, I can't wear it no more. It has caused too much trouble.

No necklace is worth that amount pain and sacrifice.


Hey Everyone! Sooo, that's the end. I know it's super short but it is my first story so I guess I'm just testing out the writing waters a bit! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please comment what you thought and any feedback you might have for my future writing endeavours!

As my final QOTD I was wondering:

What Wattpad stories would you guys suggest to read?

Comment down below and as always...

Stay Awesome!

Time TurnedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora