Chapter 4

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That summer flew by fast. Alexis and I biked and went to movies and had a generally good time. The book club had me busy the rest of the time.

Theo had made it our goal to finish all seven books before the summer was out. A daunting task for some, but for an engaged reader, the time flew by. 

I grew to love the characters and the plot line. I followed Harry through all of his adventures and craved sweets from Honeydukes. I wished so badly to get an acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I longed to ride a Thestral and meet Hagrid. I also learned to ship characters and wished them well along the way. Like Neviluna for life. I was in a trance and wished that the books would never stop.

Each time I finished one of the books, I would call Theo, and we would have in depth discussions, 

He would then invite me over to watch the movies with him. 

The movies were relatively accurate, but he still bitterly complained each time the movies forgot a certain detail or changed the way the story flowed. 

I told him to be quiet, and that his pain was nothing compared to the pain the Percy Jackson readers faced when they saw the movies. If you know, you know.

We had late night discussions and eventually our conversation came to this question. In a battle between Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, who would win? I personally thought Harry would and so did Theo.

The book club became my summer family and we had a ton of fun. Which was why when my 16th birthday rolled around in August, I invited all of them, including Alexis of course.

My birthdays have typically been just myself, my family and Alexis, and every year I would get a strawberry shortcake cake. 

This year was astoundingly different. My parents had allowed me to invite more people over because it was my Sweet 16 and all. 

When they first brought this up, I shrugged because what was I supposed to say? That I don't have any extra friends to invite?

Thankfully, the book club happened, and I now have a dozen teens coming over to celebrate my birth. 

When you put it this way, it sounds a little strange but whatever! I was happy!

The day of, I was frantically finishing hanging up the rest of the streamers and blowing up the rest of the balloons. The room was very pink. You can blame Party City for that. I still hadn't found anything to wear, when my mom came in and saved the day.

Without telling me, she had bought me a periwinkle-blue dress that sparkled. I chuckled inwardly at my own little inside joke. It was the same colour as a certain someone's Yule Ball dress. Again dear reader, if you know, you know.

I quickly slipped the dress on and went downstairs just as the doorbell rang.

I went over and opened the door saying, "Hey Alexi-". I stopped mid sentence, because it wasn't Alexis, it was Theo at my front door.

When Theo entered the room, he did a quick survey of the room and then looked down on me. He smiled when he saw my dress and said, "Well, aren't you a little Hermione Granger Miss Lili".

"And are you my Viktor Krum today, dear Theo", I joked. He began to laugh a jovial laugh.

"Nawh my dude, I am Fred and George combined, as I am feeling doubly charming tonight!" He replied with an impish grin.

Theo handed me his gift, a little box wrapped up in a wrapping paper covered in tiny little silver stars. 

Just then, the doorbell rang again and Alexis walked in. We hugged of course, and when I sniffed the air, she smelled faintly of fried chicken. But honestly, I was far to happy too mind.

The party was a blast! We played JackBox games and sang karaoke. I sang "Lalala" by Sam Smith and Naughty Boy and got a huge round of applause. What can I say? It's a great song!

After Alexis finished singing "Symphony" by Zara Larsson and Clean Bandit, I began to open the presents.

To say that the presents were Harry Potter themed was an understatement. It was as if I had walked into Diagon Alley.

One of my favorite presents was from Alexis. After telling her that I was obsessed with Harry Potter, she had smiled and had asked which Hogwarts House I was in. 

I immediately replied that I was a Huffleclaw.

And this was where she got her great idea from. Because my present is a House scarf with one side being black with yellow stripes and the other being blue and bronze. She had had it custom made. 

But by far the greatest gift was from Theo. As he gave me the box, he told me that his present would complete my curent look. And indeed it did.

His present was a time turner. It was beautiful. The hourglass was made with Swarovski crystals and the pendant was dangling from a delicate golden chain. Engraved on the pendant were the words, I mark the hours, every one, nor have I yet outrun the sun as well as My use and value unto you are gauged  by what you have to do.

My breath was taken away. It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen. He took it from me and gently placed it around my neck.

He took a photo of me and when I looked, I would like to say that I was the spitting image of Hermione that day at the Yule Ball, with my hair neatly tamed with Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.

I never knew how much trouble that beautiful piece of jewellery would cause.


Hey Everyone! I hope you liked this chapter. If you got the periwinkle-blue reference comment down below!!! Hehehe!

QOTD: In a battle between Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, who would win?

New Chapter coming shortly!!!

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