Chapter 12

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I am sucked once again into my fourth grade past once again, for who knows which time. Though my memory of Alexis is getting hazy, I still remember enough to know how important this mission is.

It all rewinds and I am walking with my mother again through the small halls of my old school.

Walking through the door to the classroom, I formulate a plan. Not the best plan, but a plan nonetheless.

You know how in high school those girls who sit around in the bathroom to gossip. Well, if  remember correctly, those types of girls exist in the fourth grade. 

Which is why I make it my mission to be on my best behaviour to get a bathroom pass.

You might be confused at this point of what my genius plan entails. Here is the lowdown of what is about to get down.

My Harry Potter mind is spinning. Combined with the fact that I KNOW Alexis has a saviour complex, my plan might work. 

Essentially, I want to go to the land of gossip and bullying, ie. the girls bathroom, in the hopes that Alexis will understand my danger and come to the rescue, resulting in a life defying friendship.

I already know that she is best friends with Theo, so I can't take that angle. I need us to meet in a different way also known as, I need her to get it into her head that she needs to save the new girl.

Does this situation sound familiar. 

Think Hermione trapped alone in the bathroom with a troll and Harry and Ron come to save her. Instead of trolls, however, I'm banking on self-absorbed fourth graders and Alexis and Theo to be my Harry and Ron.

Oh, and then I am HOPING to get sick from travel sickness after I have extended my stay so that our friendship remains permanent.

So, is this plan the greatest. No, absolutely not, but it is the only one that I've got.

That day, I complete all of the fourth grade work in record speed. 

Thank goodness that I can pretend to be smart in a fourth grade class setting with my eleventh grade brain. Dividing, easy. Reading, a piece of cake.

I am the Usain Bolt of fourth grade writing packages and the Michael Phelps of math.

Eventually, and I mean EVENTUALLY, because my teacher is incredibly hard to please, I get what I desire. Hard work pays off kids. I receive the luxurious bathroom pass.

It is practically glowing in hands, purple paper, Comic Sans writing and all. My one desirrreeee. If you know, you KNOW.

Before I put my plan in action, the recess bell rings. I have a good hour before my plan can begin.

I stroll around the playground, my thoughts wandering aimlessly around in my mind. A little pingpong ball of memories and thoughts bounces around my brain. Never ending. Never stopping.

I take the time to write down all of my memories of Alexis on a sheet of paper in case I have to go through this again. I want to remember my purpose for this. If I don't, I might never come back.

I watch everything as I write, and I sadden when I see Theo and Alexis laughing and playing together. I long to be with them. Soon I remind myself, Soon.

When the bell finally rings again, signalling, the end of recess I get up. In class, I bide my time. When we have a bit of free time I ask to go to the bathroom. 

My teacher asks if I want to use my bathroom pass so soon and I readily say yes. I can feel Alexis' and Theo's eyes on me as I stroll out of the classroom. I wait momentarily by the window to see Alexis walk over with Theo to the teachers desk and hand in their bathroom passes.

Of course they had bathroom passes. And thank goodness for that!

I round the corner and enter the bathroom. There are three stalls to the right and a few sinks opposite to the cubicles. Standing near the sinks are 3 girls, whispering and looking over at me. Your typical fourth grade Mean Girls. I immediately classify them into their respective counterparts: Regina, Gretchen and Karen.

After an quick analysis of the 3 girls, I actually do go to the bathroom because I haven't gone in a while.

As soon as I step out of my stall, as predicted the chatter stops. The Regina advances toward me. 

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here," she deadpans.

Yup, classic new girl story.

They begin to advance towards me, when right on cue, Alexis barges in, Theo is hand.

The first words uttered out of Gretchen's mouth: "What is a boy doing in the GIRL'S bathroom?"

Honestly, that is the least of my worries.

"Stop picking on her you...insert a bunch of fourth grade insults here", says Alexis. "It is NOT cool to pick on the new girl," she continues, "Oh, and hey I'm Alexis and this is Theo."

I resist the urge to say "I know".

She grabs onto my arm and, with the Theo, we flounce out of the bathroom. Our conversation on the way back to the classroom goes like this:

Alexis: That was a close call right there. Good thing we came to save you.

Me: Yeah, thanks, how coincidental. I TOTALLY wasn't counting on it.

Theo: So, what are you into?

Knowing the way to even young Theo's heart I reply:

Me: Harry Potter, you?

Theo: Hey, me too! I'm trying to get Alexis to read them. Can you BELIEVE that she hasn't read them yet?

Me: It is a tad ridiculous!

Theo: Okay, guess what house I am in.

Me: You are a Slytherpuff.

Theo: Dude, how did you know?

Me: Cunning but kind?

Theo: That's what I tell myself. We're like best friends already! Alexis, can we take her in, PLEASE?

Alexis: Yeah, sure she seems cool! What's you're name by the way?

Me: Lili. Lili Potter...

Oh man. Did I get you dear reader. I'm totally kidding, I'm not Lili Potter, but that would be cool though. Did I get you for a second at least? Our names aren't even spelled the same way!

Okay, but in all seriousness, things were fixed. I just needed to wait ten minutes and one second for this past to be set in stone. 

The time flew by, and before I knew it, I was waving goodbye to them at the kiss and ride, already prepping my time turner.

When the five hours were up, I waited until I doubled over from my stomach beginning to turn with travel sickness before I disappeared into the whirl wind of light.


Hey All! I hope that you liked this chapter and the little Harry Potter and friends meet up reference!

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