chapter 2 (stop that food thief!)

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3rd pov
It was night time and (y/n) casually walked through the streets examining everything around her. Since it was night there wasn't as many people outside their were only a few and with their pokemon. For some reason it couldn't help but make you sad, you would sometimes think of how would life be for you if you had a trainer...who would actually care about you, but you were to afraid to after last time. You actually had a trainer that mostly caught you because of your unique look,you was born in this exact city and that's were he caught you the two of you would battle together.....until he found another nickit one that was fully shiny unlike you. It didn't take long before he started to treat the new shiny Nick way more attention then you, the new nickit he caught was more stronger, Everytime the two of you would battle he would always beat you easily. Eventually you were abandoned by your trainer in one of the worst way possible. He just up and left you in the city to fend for yourself saying "you're to weak to be in a team like mines", ever since then you don't really like to be seen by humans much less being caught by one do you know if they'll just abandoned you again. As you kept thinking about it you could feel as a drop of water hit your snout.
You walked into a dark alley way in hopes to find some kind of shelter a box a trashcan anything to hide in to hopefully dry off your fur, you managed to find a box covered with newspaper. You crawled into the box can curled up in a ball to keep warm.


*The next day*

You woke up with your fur soaked and got out of the box shaking your fur trying your best to dry off your fur. You left the alley way, you felt the warm Ray's of sunlight on your soft fur. You walked out of the alley way, your stomach growled. You could go back to that bakery you went yesterday but they'll probably catch you after the flour incident that happened yesterday. Your heard too voices that sounds familiar, your ears tilted in the direction of the voices, it sounded like two kids. It was the Raven hair boy and the boy with the gray hoodie (me: and the amazing eyelashes) they had food on their table along with their Pikachu and raboot (I'm changing him into a raboot) but this time instead of biscuits they had macaroons in different colors.

 It was the Raven hair boy and the boy with the gray hoodie (me: and the amazing eyelashes) they had food on their table along with their Pikachu and raboot (I'm changing him into a raboot) but this time instead of biscuits they had macaroons in d...

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(Omg those look really good uwu)

Your eyes shined cutely in delight, were you gonna get those macroons? An you thought of a idea, you ran back into the alley way and grabbed some soda cans from the trashcan with your tail and sneakily ran back to them hoping they were still their and they we're. You threw one of the soda cans in their opposite direction. The Raven hair boy and the boy with the gray hoodie along with the Pikachu and raboot watched were the soda can landed confused. You grabbed the plate of macroons and started to run "hey give those back!" The Raven hair boy yelled at you. You turned your head to look at them and wagged your tail back at forth at them. "Nickit nickit nickit!(you can't catch me!) You teased and started to run again

 "Nickit nickit nickit!(you can't catch me!) You teased and started to run again

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. "Go after that nickit raboot!" The gray hoodie boy told to his raboot. The raboot started to chase you but you were faster than him.


Raboot pov
Get that nickit is too fast. Before I met goh i was a food thief to help my three friends that were also nickits as wells. Now that I actually look at this strange nickit she had shiny nickit spots on her which honestly looked pretty cool...and kinda cute. I shook my I need to catch and an get those macroons back. I kept chasing her and woah she is so fast. "Raboot use flame charge!" Goh commanded me, I used flame charge on the Nickit but she hit me in the face with iron tail still holding the plate of macroons! She ran into the alley way and all of us kept chasing her. "I have a idea!" Ash said taking out one of his pokeballs "go gengar!"


3rd pov
"Gengar can you find a nickit holding a plate of macroons?!" Ash asked gengar nodded to teleport from place to place looking around trying trying to see we're you are until he spotted you running to town square where their was lots of people with their pokemon to try to get him of your tail but he wouldn't let that happen. You ran zig zag to confuse him but then he teleported right in front of you and you helped in suprise and started to run in the other direction but then the Raven and the gray hoodie boy along with the Pikachu and raboot stood around you making you completely corned but you weren't going to give up these macroons that easily you use quick attack hitting the Raven haired boy and started running but this time Pikachu was chasing after you started to run again but from the short distance you heard the Raven haired boy say "Pikachu use electroweb repeatedly!" The Pikachu repeatedly used electroweb but you kept dodging it all you needed to do was to find somewhere to hide but suddenly to tripped on a small stone from not paying attention making you drop the plate of macroons but luckily none of them fell of the plate that gave the Pikachu a chance to catch you. The Pikachu threw a electroweb at you catching you


(Y/n) pov
Oh no I've been caught in electroweb! I tried to get out of it but Everytime I touched it it hurt the boy in the gray hoodie took the plate of macroons. The electroweb disappeared but I curled up in a ball afraid of what they'll do to me my stomach growled a little louder this time and it looks like they heard it because the Raven haired boy gave me one of the macroons, I tilted by head confused. "Here you can have it" the boy smiled nicely to me, I nervously took the macroon and walked off. Why would he still give me a macroon maybe their not as bad as I thought I smiled to myself.


Ash pov
As the Nickit walked away I looked at but then I noticed something weird about how to looks, It looks like a regular nickit but was covered in odd colors maybe it's rare?! I don't know but maybe I could catch it soon!

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