chapter 9 (settling the score)

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3rd pov

It was now 10 am in the morning and they had a few hours before (y/n) had to battle against ebony. "NICKIT KIT KIT! (ASH GET UP WE HAVE TRAINING TO DO!)" (Y/n) yelled trying to wake up ash and pikachu fell off the bed. It took ash a minute to understand why (y/n) was so hyper today until he realized that she was going to battle against ebony. They ate food then ash,goh got ready to leave so they go start on (y/n)'s battle training. They found a clearing that was perfect for battling . (Y/n) was going to battle against farfetch'd, goh,pikachu and raboot stood to the side to watch the battle. "Ready (y/n)?!" Ash asked, (y/n) nodded "nickit nick(let's do this!)" Nickit said getting into a battle stance. Farfetch'd got ready to battle as well.


"Ok farfetch'd use aerial ace!" Ash commanded, farfetch'd sprinted towards (y/n) with the large leek trying to hit her with aerial ace. (Y/n) kept dodging until she got hit making her fall back, (y/n) quickly and used swift. As Farfetch'd dodges the stars from swift (y/n) used quick attack on farfetch'd, he fell back but didn't drop the leek. "Ok farfetch'd use gust repeatedly!" Ash said, farfetch'd used gust repeatedly, (y/n) dug her claws into the ground trying not get blown back from gust, (y/n) used dig to escape the repeated gusts of wind. "Farfetch'd don't let (y/n) catch your run around the field!" Ash said, farfetch'd ran around the field trying not to get attacked by (y/n). (Y/n) digged up and used iron tail hitting farfetch'd. "Can you still battle?!" Ash asked, farfetch'd managed to get up still able to battle. "Ok farfetch'd use fury cutter!" Farfetch'd nodded, "farfetch'd! (fury cutter!)" Farfetch'd said as he ran to attack (y/n), (y/n) managed to dodge the attacks, (y/n) used hone claws on farfetch'd hitting him making him faint. Ash, Pikachu and (y/n) ran to farfetch'd to check if he was ok, farfetch'd managed to get up. "Nickit nickit (great battle)" (y/n) said with a small smile, farfetch'd felt his face heat up slightly he looked away from her, "f-farfetch'd...(y-yeah...)" Farfetch'd replied. Ash returned farfetch'd to his pokeball, "you did great farfetch'd!" Ash said to farfetch'd pokeball. They kept training until goh checked the time and it was 2:40 pm. "Ash it's almost time before we have to battle against elliott!" Goh yelled getting ash attention. Ash and goh packed everything up and left to go to the battlefields in town.


When they got there elliott and ebony were already they're. Elliott saw them and smirked, "huh and here I thought you chickened out" elliott replied. (Y/n) growled at elliott, she jumped off of ash shoulder and walked to the battlefield. "Alright enough chit chat let's get this battle over with" elliott said as ebony stood on the battlefield. "Ok ready (y/n)?!" Ash asked, (y/n) nodded.


Ebony pov

This should be such an easy battle, as much as I liked (y/n) before she doesn't deserve to be with be with someone as great as me, she's way to weak! "Ok ebony use iron tail" elliott commanded me. I jumped up and my tail turned into iron, I was about to hit (y/n) but she dodged it, I growled slightly...let's just get this stupid battles over it.


3rd pov

"Ok (y/n) use quick attack!" Ash commanded, (y/n) used quick attack trying to hit ebony but he dodge it each one, "ebony use sand storm!" Elliott commanded. Ebony uses sand attack, (y/n) closed her eyes and folded her ears down tightly trying not to get sand in them. "Now use night slash!" Elliott commanded, "thievul! (Night slash)" ebony said as he used night slash on (y/n) making her fall back hitting the ground. The sand stopped finally stopped, (y/n) got up as she opened her eyes and lifted her ears up. "Can you still battle (y/n)?!" Ash asked worriedly, (y/n) nodded. Elliott snickered "they'res no way she's gonna win so just give up" elliott laughed, (y/n) growled as she started to get angry. "Pika pikachu! (Don't listen to him (y/n)!)" Pikachu encouraged, "raboot boot!(yeah you got this (y/n)!)" Raboot included. (Y/n) nodded felling a lot more confident about win this battle, she got back into a battle stanced. "Ok (y/n) use dig!" Ash commanded, (y/n) quickly digged into the ground. "Make sure (y/n) doesn't catch you!" Elliott yelled, ebony ran around the field trying not to get caught by (y/n). "Ok (y/n) now!" Ash said, (y/n) emerged out of the ground quickly which surprised ebony, "now use iron tail!" Ash commanded, "nickit! (Iron tail!)" (Y/n) said as she hit ebony with iron tail. Ebony fell back surprised, elliott stared in shock. "Thievul...(this battle isn't over...)" Ebony said as he started to get angry. "Now ebony use sucker punch!" Elliott commanded. Ebony tried to use sucker punch on (y/n) but she dodged it. "Grr stupid nickit..." Elliott said to himself, "(y/n) use attract!" Ash said. "Nickit (attract!)" (Y/n) said as she winked sending hearts at ebony. The hearts hit ebony making him hypnotized and his eyes were now hearts. "E-ebony snap out of it!" Elliott said starting to panic. "Now (y/n) use draining kiss!" Ash said. (Y/n) calmly walked up to ebony placing a kiss on his cheek, ebony blushed brightly and he fainted.

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