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CASSIOPEIA AWOKE to the sound of sand pouring out onto the gym floor.

She stood up wearily, and wiped her tired eyes. "Fucking finally, princess." Cass rolled her eyes playfully at the sound of her brothers voice. "Leave me alone, Jet. You know, actually alive people have to sleep." She joked. Just then, Diego walked in.
"Yeah Jet, Cassie needs beauty sleep." Cass made a face at his comment. "Jet is over there, dumbass." She said, pointing to the swivel chair in the corner. Diego shook his head and laughed.

She stuck her tongue out at her brother and he returned it. Then she turned to her guardian. "Did you sleep at all last night, Dee?" She asked, concerned, taking notice of the circles under his eyes. He clicked his tongue at her words. "You know, I don't think so." He said, and grabbed a box of cereal.

"Ooh make me some, frosted flakes are the shit!" Jet yelled from the corner, and a laugh escaped the girls mouth. "Oh my god shut the hell up, idiot." She breathed out in between giggles. Diego raised an eyebrow while pouring his milk, and she waved him off. He shrugged and handed her a bowl of cereal, then leaned against the counter and began eating his.

"Anyway, we're going to my dads funeral today."

Cass choked on her bite of food, and then set her bowl down.

"Excuse me, what the fuck?"

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