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OCTOBER 30, 2004, 4:13pm

JET AND CASS had been walking for what felt like hours when they finally reached the familiar set of rusted, metal stairs. "Holy Hell, you'd think that by now you would've gotten used to carrying anything over two pounds." Jet joked, gesturing to Cass's struggling over the bags of groceries she was balancing.

She somehow managed to elbow the tall boy in the gut, and smiled at the small huff that he let out.

"Yeah well, it's hard when the bag is almost as tall as you." The girl huffed, and her other half only laughed heartily and knocked on the chipped, yellow door.

The jingling of keys was heard as Jet fished around his trouser pocket. "Don't be bitter just because you stopped growing at twelve." As Cass mumbled something under her breath, the blonde boy found his key and threw a lopsided grin her way. Wasn't dad supposed to be home by now? He suddenly thought, and furrowed his brows.

"Out of the way, Star-Star." He prodded, gently nudging the brunette out from in front of the door.

He stuck the key in the lock, only to find it was already unlocked. He sent his sister a serious look and her  eyes filled with fear. Slowly, he opened the door, and peeked into the apartment. The moment his blue eyes found his father's body, seeping with blood from a gash on his temple, he rushed forward. "Dad!" He cried, and dropped to his knees. Cassiopeia followed straight behind and tears started clouding her vision.

"Daddy?" She whispered, and if Jet wouldn't have been desperately listening for his dad's pulse, his heart would've broken at the crack in his sister's voice. When he found that his father was still breathing, albeit very weakly, he let out a sigh of relief. "He's alive." The boy breathed out, and not a second later, a woman's voice rang out.

"What a cute family."  She said lowly, and her chilly tone made the hairs on the back of Cass's neck stand up. Jet, cradling his father's head, with tears flowing freely down his cheeks, looked towards the source of the noise. "Show yourself." He growled, and Cass couldn't help but think of a cornered animal.

A short woman with coffee-colored skin , and short hair emerged from the shadows. She was wearing a suit, and Cass snarled at her. The girl found her voice. "What do you want?" She demanded harshly. "It's not what I want little girl, it's what the boss wants." The woman replied easily. She brought a pistol from her back pocket, and aimed for her target. "I just get the pleasure of doing it."

A shot was heard, and Cass closed her eyes and screamed, waiting for the pain. Instead of feeling shrapnel tear through her body, she felt a warm body slump onto hers. The young girl opened her eyes, and immediately wished she hadn't.

In her lap was her brother's head, with a bullet hole right between his once-bright blue eyes.

"NO!" She screamed, and shook his shoulders, stupidly pleading that he was okay. "DON'T LEAVE ME DAMNIT!!" Fresh tears stained her pale face. The gi started to feel hot, like she would implode.

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSSED TO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!"  To any onlooker, the scene would've been devastating.


Plastic in the room started melting, and the air became hot. "Daddy! Daddy wake up!" She sobbed, gripping onto her father's coat. "PLEASE WAKE UP!"

There was a burst of energy, and Cass started to feel tired. She tried and failed to stand, resulting in her hitting her head, and her vision becoming fuzzy.

The last thing she heard before she blacked out was, "Star?"

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