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I couldn't manage to get the win, they were frigging teammates, on two different tanks😢...stupid tanks, too op for my preferences...enough of this, on withthe story

"hmm, so, as for beating sona in a match of chess, you become her significant other, and that's the main reason on why this oh so happy and big family is involved in devil business"
Said the long haired man

"yes, although not directly involved in their problems, but we are still involved nonetheless, especially with me being engaged with the princess of one of the 72 pillars" answered Kira

"so, have the twins made it back?"
Asked Akuma which made the people in the room a little down

"there is a possibility that they can make it back, though it's not a hundred percent since they are in he deepest layer of hell, it's still a chance" said nero, believing that he will still see those two

Everyone snapped their gaze at nero, who still has his devil trigger active. Then Kira summoned his sword again

"just in case. Anyways, yes there is a chance that they can still go back, but getting in the 9th circle or layer of hell, is not so easy. That is according to Lucifer, he says he tried to explore the layers of hell, but couldn't even pass the first one, he couldn't handle the pressure from the souls trapped inside, he said he'd lose his sanity if he continued, so he went back to the underworld, the layer before the first"
Said Kira and Sona nodded as she was there when they were talking

"i see, well then, it's Dante, he does unimaginable things, this should be a breeze to him"
Said Lady with a grin

"I'm surprised, i was expecting you to at least shed a tear" said Akuma

'oh please, what good will i get from grieving? It was said that he's still alive so why should I even? " said Lady with her hands on her waist

"alright alright, i get it. So, i was supposed to just tell Lady here, about an event in school that requires the approval of the parents, it's camping in the mountains"
Said Akuma

"really? Well, as long as they're promised to be safe...or something like that"
Said Lady, not really caring about what was to come as her child is not exactly weak

"i assure you, they will be more that safe, not that he and Sona here actually need protection, if i was to say, the threat is the one that needs protection from your kid here"
Said Akuma while chuckling softly

"i guess you're right, so when is this camping event? "

"after their mid term exam, which is still fairly soon, we just needed time to actually set it up"
Said Akuma

"alright, wanna have dinner? "
Asked Lady

"I'd love to"
Said Akuma

"then let's get started with the cooking! Girls! And by girls that means you too Sona!"
Exclaimed Lady as she dragged the ladies in the kitchen, and sona was looking at Kira with pleading eyes, but Kira just grinned at her

Exclaimed the little girl who crawled upto Kira's feet

"hello little Vergie, have you been eating your greens? "
Asked Kira as he picked up the little girl, and she let out cute, incomprehensible baby noises

"good girl, wanna play? "
Said Kira as he held the baby close to him as he made flower shaped flames from his demonic flames, and little vergie cooed because of what she was seeing

The other men were just looking at Kira while smiling, not all men are good with kids, or maybe that Vergie is just not one simple kid, she's special in the good way

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