Chapter 3

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It was four thirty in the morning when seventeen's dorm was in a total chaos. They were busy fixing themselves as they have to leave at five am sharp.

They were scheduled for a photoshoot today and everyone was in a hurry.

"Shua, have you seen my socks? the one we bought atㅡoh nevermind i found it!" Hoshi shouted while rummaging through his closet. He then grabbed something and hurriedly ran downstairs without looking back.

Jeonghan went back to his room to check if he has left something. When he was about to go out, he received a call from Hoshi saying that he left his charger and asked him to get it for him.

When Jeonghan entered Hoshi's room, he was startled to see that someone was still lying on their bed.

"Wow, the audacity." He opened the lights and to his surprise, it was Shua who was still sleeping like a babyㅡmouth slightly agape and eyes slightly opened. His earphones still on his ears and phone's still on his hand.

The image of Shua sleeping warmed Jeonghan's heart. He really looked like a baby. He thought that this is too cute to let it pass so he secretly took a picture. After seeing the pictures, he saw the time and went back to reality.

He hit Joshua's shoulders and shouted "Hey Shua wake up! We're already late!" Joshua was startled and immediately stood up. He repeatedly cursed under his breath while trying to grasp what was happening.

Jeonghan was entertained and made fun of Shua who was panicking while grabbing different necessities. He sat on Shua's bed and decided to wait for him. He was laughing his ass out to Shua's state at the moment.

"This is a rare case, Shua. What time did you sleep? Or did you just doze off? What were you up to?" Jeonghan bombarded Shua a lot of questions.

"Can you grab my hoodie?" Shua just evaded Jeonghan's questions.

He added, "After our schedule for today, can we grab something to drink later?" Shua's voice was serious. the seriousness of his voice made Jeonghan uneasy.

He was worried that maybe he's entangled with some problem. Or has something been bothering Shua or was it something that he should also worry about?

"Is it something serious?" Their conversation was interrupted when Jeonghan's phone started ringing.

The look on Shua's face says that they should talk about it later. "What the fck was it?"

They finally left their dorm and ate breakfast on their way to work. Jeonghan kept on looking at Shua and was wondering about what he wanted to discuss with him later.

Jeonghan's uneasiness was evident on his face that Seokmin noticed it.

"Jeonghan, are you constipated?" the sudden question of Seokmin made the vocal team burst in laughter.

"It's just that your face says it all, that's why i thought of it." Seokmin added in defense.

"I was just thinking because it felt like i left something important." Jeonghan replied. He took a glimpse of Joshua and saw him smiling so widely while he was glued on his phone, oblivious to the world.

And with that, he got an idea to what might Shua wanted to talk about.

"So i was worried for nothing huh."

sorry for the late update hehe anyways, stan seventeen! and also, pray for boo's fast recovery :((

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