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We reach the store and walk inside. Ethan and Sara run to the candy aisle.

"Guys stay where we can see you,"Isa said.

"Yes mommy!" Isa and I went to the heathy food aisle and pick out what we want since we will be making dinner together.

"Ethan is going to love dinner. That boy can eat all day."

"Sara said she's a Princess and she want her Prince to by her a cheese pizza. It was funny actually because she was eating pizza when she said it."


"Mommy!" I look around on panic as I heard Sara and Ethan shout. I took off running down the aisle and to the sweets. I sigh in relief when I saw them kneeling beside a girl who injure her knee.

"Everything ok?"

"She's hurt,"said Ethan. I look at the blond girl and I wipe the tears from her face.

"It ok." I took some wipe from my bag and clean her knee before putting a Cinderella band aid on it.

I lift her up and clean her face.

"What's your name sweetie."


"Well Lizzy let's find your parents." I carry all three children back to Isa and went in search of Lizzy parents.

"You should have been watching her Ashton."

"Sorry mom. I'll go and look for her."

I follow the voice and saw a tired looking woman.

"Mommy!" The woman turn and the look of relief took over her face.

"Lizzy!" I hand her over to the woman. "Thank you so much."

"No problem. She's a sweet little girl."

"You have any?"

"A little girl. It was nice meeting you Lizzy and be careful ok?" She nod and I went back to the others.

"We're going to get them something to eat. There's a dinner not far from here."

"Then let's go." Isa cash out the groceries and we pay before leaving.

The care was small and cosy with flowers painted on the outside to give it the welcoming look. The inside was a soft blue with matching tables and chairs.

"Order whatever you want guys but not too much sweets." The nod and run to the counter.

"So how long have you been living here?"I asked Isa.

"All my life actually. I never go to college so I never leave."

"I have Sara so I didn't go college either."

"Me too. We have so much in common. Ethan father bail before he was born. He said he can't be a father. I watch him leave but I didn't stop. He want to go he go."

"Same here. Women are stronger together."

She go to say something when she froze and look at something behind me.

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