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I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and I try to hide myself between the huge men.

"Where is she?" They move and I glare at the traitors.

"I love my life!"they shout.

I look up and I was looking into the smirking face of Elejandro Garcia.

I scream and get up and start running again.


"Is mommy and daddy fighting?" I saw Ele freeze and I took that as my chance to find somewhere to hide.

I found what look like a office and went on there. I went under the desk and hold my breath.

Not even a minute later the door open and I heard footsteps. I hold my breath and...

"Boo!" I scream and I saw Ele kneel infront of me. He grab my hand and pull me out. "You've been a bad girl Becca." I grin sheepishly at him because what else can I do.

He set me on the desk and stood between my legs so I couldn't move. Thank God I was in jeans.

"Don't you want another baby Becca? You don't want to damage the baby maker. We can have alot more."

I probably look like a tomato right now.

"Stop." I push him away and he laugh.

"Should I really Becca?" His hands went under my shirt and I stop breathing. His fingers draw small circles on my belly.

This could not be the most dangerous man.

He kiss my neck and continue tracing circles on my belly.

"Boss he's here!" I feel Ele stiffen and his hands fist in my shirt. His arm went around my waist and he pull me towards him.

"We're not finish here." He set me on the floor and we left the office.

What the hell just happened?

We walk into the living room and the kids were nowhere to be seen only a man with several whipped marks.

"Ah finally." I look at Ele and this is the Ele from before. This is King.

"You think you can try to kill me in public? I run this town. I rule this town and every one in it."

His face was scary as hell and I couldn't look at him.

"You try to hurt what's mine and for that you will pay! Take him to the dungeon and deal with him. I will see you in hell."

The men drag the screaming man away and I move away from Ele.

"All of you out." The remaining men left and I could feel his gaze in me.

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