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I saw a huge house with high iron gates that has at least six guards posted there. They open the gate and the cars went up.

"You'll be here until I'm sure they didn't know I take you. They find out I save you they'll try to kill you."

The car stop and he open the door. He took Sara and I get out behind him. I saw Ethan and Isa came out of the car that was right behind us.

"Becca are you ok?"

"Yeah. I survive."

"You guys get your ass back out there and get that bastard back to me. I have unfinish business."

"Yes Boss."

He started to the door and the remaining men follow him. I walk slowly behind because I don't trust these people.

It's not the first time being in a group like this. When I came here I promise myself not to get mix up in things like this again and yet here I am.

Trouble love me dearly.

"Becca." I look up and I was met by Elejandro dark eyes roaming my face. "I'm not going to hurt you or your daughter."

"Why should I believe a cold hearted bastard like you? You might save us but my trust for you is as far as I can throw you."

His face darken and he hand Sara to a guard who disappeared inside.

He came over to me and grab my hand and pull me to God knows where. But one thing I know for sure is that I can't call for help.

"Look here. If I want to hurt you or the others then I would kill you when I got the chance. If you love your daughter you would want to see her alive and if those men get her then it would be lights out."

He was close that I could see every tiny line on his face. He was really a handsome man if I say so myself.

"Why us?"

"Why not? You're intriguing. And I'm going to get you even if that means I tie you up."

I stare at him with saucer eyes and my mouth was moving but I couldn't form a word.

He pull me back to the front of the house and inside.

"Mommy!" I pull my hand from Elejandro and pick up Sara. "Who is he?"

"His name is nobody." I look at Elejandro and he raise a eyebrow at me.

"The name is Elejandro Garcia darling. Don't listen to your mother." He took Sara and I stare at him in shock.

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