8. Addition

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"Namjoon, can you---", jungkook stops his sentence when he hears the doorbell ringing. His head immediately snaps towards namjoon who's already looking at him. His husband sends him a smile and an encouraging nod.

Jungkook moves towards the front door and opens it. He's met by a police officer standing on the doorway with a little boy in his arms. He looks absolutely terrified, from what jungkook can see.

The boy has his head buried in the officer's shoulder and he has a tight grip on the man's collar. Jungkook can see his hands shaking a little. "He's a little scared", the officer says. Jungkook reads his name sign to make sure he is indeed Officer Lee.

"Poor baby", jungkook says with a frown. Officer Lee just smiles. "Jeon Jungkook?", he asks. Jungkook nods. "Kim Jungkook, actually. I'm married", he says with a soft smile of his own.

"Oh, that's nice. Can I meet your partner?", Officer Lee asks. Jungkook lets out a relieved sigh. The fact that he said partner and not wife, is enough to let jungkook know that he isn't homophobic.

"Sure", jungkook says. "Namjoon!", he shouts. He sees namjoon coming out of the kitchen, looking a little awkward.

"This is Officer Lee", Jungkook introduces when namjoon stands next to him. "Oh, please just call me Hanseul", Officer Lee says and namjoon smiled and shakes his hand. "I'm Kim Namjoon", he says. Hanseul nods in acknowledgement.

"I hope you don't mind this. I know it was very sudden and---", "It's totally okay. I'm more than happy to take him in", Namjoon says happily. Hanseul smiles. This is...", he starts and then shrugs. "Well, he doesn't really have a name", he says.

Namjoon and jungkook stare in shock. "Isn't he two?", jungkook asks, shocked. Hanseul sighs. "His parents didn't bother with his name", he says, looking disappointed. Namjoon's lips turn downwards. "That's not good", he says. "I know. I don't think they're coming out of the jail anytime soon", Hanseul says.

Namjoon nods and looks at the little boy in the officer's arms. He smiles a little. "Hey, honey", he greets. The boy doesn't answer.
Namjoon frowns a little. "Do you want chocolate?", jungkook tries.

At that, the boy perks up and turns around to look at them. Namjoon's chest tightens a little. The little boy is beautiful. He has these big, dark eyes and cloud-like cheeks.

"Coco?", he says in his tiny, sweet voice. How can anyone hurtyou?Jungkook thinks. "Yes, baby", he says and digs in his pocket to take out a granola bar. He knows its not really chocolate but this will be enough to coax the little one.

"You want it?", he asks. The boy looks at jungkook and then back at the wrapped up bar. Slowly, he nods, eyes wide. "Okay, come here then", jungkook smiles and extends his arms, ready to take the boy from Hanseul.

The little boy looks unsure as he looks at Hanseul who nods softly. He looks back at jungkook, and then namjoon. Finally, his eyes scan the bar and he makes grabby hands for jungkook to hold him.

Jungkook's eyes water a little and he sniffles, quickly covering up with a smile. "I'll take him to our room", jungkook says to namjoon and then thanks Hanseul before turning around to go to their shared bedroom.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Please come inside", namjoon says as he realizes that they never invited Hanseul inside the house. Hanseul just smiles and shakes his head. "I've got some work to do. Just wanted to drop him here by myself. Thank you so much, Namjoon-ssi. It really means a lot. He's a good kid", Hanseul says.

Namjoon nods with a soft grin. "Of course. I'm sure he's wonderful", he says. "Thank you for bringing him to us. We'd take good care of him", he adds. They exchange few more words and then with a signature from Namjoon, Hanseul is out of the door.

Namjoon sighs and closes the door. That went better than he had anticipated. Suddenly, he hears a scream, loud and shrill. His first instinct is to wince, his second, is to run up the stairs as quick as he could.

"What happened?", he asks, breathless, as he practically slams into the room. Jungkook swiftly turns his head to look at him, horrified. "I don't know. I tried to get him to change his clothes but he got scared and screamed. I'm sorry, I don't know what happened", he says worriedly.

Namjoon doesn't answer. Instead, he heads slowly towards the bed and sits down on the edge. "Baby", he says softly to the crying boy. He has large tears running down his face. Namjoon notices he's not screaming anymore, just sobbing silently. He looks distressed.

The boy flinches when namjoon touches his arm but doesn't back away. That is probably a good sign. "Hi, baby. Can you come to me?", namjoon requests and opens his arms. The boy looks at him with big, teary eyes and nods slowly.

He gets on his feet and climbs onto Namjoon's lap. Namjoon smiles and starts rubbing his back, whispering soft words to him. The little boy's eyes start drooping and he lays his head on Namjoon's shoulder, with some hesitation.

After some minutes, the child is completely drooling on Namjoon's shirt, deep into dreamland. Jungkook sighs and looks at namjoon with a relieved smile. "You're good with kids", he says with a teasing smile.

Namjoon shrugs but doesn't stop himself from grinning at his beautiful husband. "I've been trained by yoongi", he jokes. Jungkook laughs happily and scoots closer to him and the baby.

He runs his fingers through the two-year-ofd's hair. "What should we name him?", he asks. Namjoon frowns. "Should we?", he asks uncertainly. Jungkook shrugs. "He's going to be with us for some time now. I think its only fair", he says.

Namjoon looks at the boy and then nods. Have you thought of something?", he asks while grinning like a fool. Jungkook mirrors his expression, nodding excitedly.

"Because he has large eyes and big, blushy cheeks, he reminds me of rice cakes---", jungkook starts but is interrupted by namjoon. "We're not naming him mochi", he says sternly.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Can you like, shut up?", he huffs. Namjoon smiles apologetically and then gestures for him to continue. Jungkook smiles widely, just like he did not even a minute before.

"Jimin", he says, excitement seeping through his tone. Namjoon just stares at him. Jungkook clears his throat awkwardly. Is it not good?", he asks sadly, a pout gracing on his soft pink lips.

Namjoon snaps out of his initial surprise. He looks at the little boy sleeping peacefully in his arms, his already chubby cheeks puffing out with every breath, his mouth fluttering with every shaky sigh.

"Jimin", he tries, rolling the vowels on his tongue.

He sees the small boy shift a little in his sleep. Jungkook immediately starts rubbing his back. The reaction is almost instant as Jimin smiles, just a little, eyes still closed.

Namjoon looks up at Jungkook's face, focused as he comforts the baby. Its perfect", he hushes, completely inaudible.


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