12. Red noses and pretty smiles

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"Do you have a list or something?", Namjoon asks as they enter the shop. He untangles Jimin from the scarf and puts it nicely inside his bag. The heat is on inside the store so he doesn't have to worry about the baby catching a cold.

"Don't worry, I know what we need to buy", Jungkook says with a small smile. Namjoon smiles back and pulls out a shopping cart from the corner. They sit Jimin inside the little basket in the front.

The toddler watches with wide eyes as the wheels roll and Namjoon starts moving the cart across the aisle. We need flour, cream, dry fruits, chocolate....", Jungkook starts listing, dropping all the things into the cart.

"Let's go to the cloth section?", Namjoon suggests. Jungkook agrees easily, walking ahead of the two. "Joon, do you mind grabbing two milk cartons?", jungkook asks with a groan when he notices he totally forgot about the milk.

Namjoon nods easily and leaves Jimin with Jungkook as he goes to get the milk packets. "Ah, guess its just me and you for a while now", Jungkook says to Jimin who flaps his hands on the outline of the cart, clearly excited.

Jungkook grins, nose scrunching up. He ruffles Jimin's hair and starts looking through baby clothes. "Hmm, let's see what they have here", he mumbles to himself, holding onto the basket tightly with one hand.

This is adorable", Jungkook says as he holds up a yellow onesie. It has a red beak peeking out from the hood. Jungkook keeps it in front of Jimin and squeals loudly. He looks exactly like a tiny baby chick.

"You're so precious, Mimi", he says, heart aching due to the cuteness overload. "Where's your daddy?", he says to himself when he realizes Namjoon is still not back with the milk.

He pouts a little, turning back to the hung clothes, only to get startled when he sees a familiar figure in front of him. "Jaehyun", he sighs. The man scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"What are you doing here, in Seoul?", he asks, annoyed. Jungkook wills himself to not snap at him. "I live here", he answers shortly. Jaehyun raises an eyebrow, surprised.

His eyes gawk at Jimin who's looking back at him with a huge smile painted on his face. "Who's he?", Jaehyun asks nonchalantly. Jungkook opens his mouth to speak but Namjoon comes up from behind him.

His son", he answers simply. Jaehyun's eyes almost fall out of their sockets. "What the fuck?!", he curses. Namjoon makes a face. "Don't use those words in front of my kid", he scolds.

Jaehyun looks like he might faint. Your Kid?", he asks, incredulous. Namjoon grins and wraps an arm around Jungkook's waist. "Meet my lovely husband, Kim Namjoon", Jungkook joins in the teasing, patting Namjoon's chest.

Jaehyun's mouth hangs open in shock. You said he was your friend?", he questions. Jungkook laughs. You were being annoying so I lied", he answers easily. Jaehyun looks at him like he has grown another head.

"You're such a menace", he says. Jungkook laughs lightly. "Sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you", he says softly. Then, he looks around, frowning a little. "Where's your partner?", he asks. Jaehyun sighs. "He's sick. I came to get groceries", he answers.

Jungkook nods in understanding. Jaehyun stares around a little awkwardly before clearing his throat. "I'm sorry for whatever I said that day. I was just angry", he apologizes. Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "Suddenly?"

Jaehyun smiles a little. "Jungwoo, my boyfriend, asked me to apologize. He said I was being rude. And I realized he wasn't wrong. Whatever happened between us, it was a long time ago. I don't wanna hold grudges anymore".

Jungkook is surprised to say the least. "Oh. That's good. I'm sorry, too. I didn't treat you well", he says. Jaehyun shakes his head. "It's totally fine. Friends?", he asks and extends his hand. Jungkook smiles and shakes his hand. "Friends".

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