25. Forever

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Namjoon quietly opens the door of their home and as expected, it's completely silent. He slowly moves towards the living room couch and carefully puts Jungkook on it.

Jungkook starts whining almost immediately, making grabby hands towards Namjoon who simply sighs and sits down beside him. He then gently pulls Jungkook so that his upper body is on top of himself and lower body is on the couch.

"What am I gonna do without you?", Namjoon says fondly, pressing a kiss to Jungkook's nose. "Hurts", Jungkook says suddenly. Namjoon opens his eyes in worry (when did he close them?). "What hurts, love?", he asks gently, running his hand through Jungkook's hair.

"Head", Jungkook replies almost immediately, trying to nuzzle more into Namjoon's chest which is quite frankly impossible. Namjoon hums. "I'll get you some more water and an aspirin", he says and starts getting up only to be pulled back by his husband.

"What?", Namjoon laughs. Jungkook shrugs. "Wan' you", he murmurs. Namjoon smiles softly at that and pecks Jungkook's lips. "Don't you miss Mimi and Tae?", he teases.

Jungkook sighs exasperatedly. "Yup", he slurs, popping the 'p'. "Let's get to bed so that we can wake up early tomorrow and bring them home with us! How does that sound?", Namjoon suggests.

Jungkook mumbles something incoherent and then mushes his face in Namjoon's stomach. Namjoon laughs softly and gets up. He picks Jungkook up once again and proceeds towards their bedroom.

Once he lays Jungkook down on the bed, he gently peels off his jacket and jeans. Thank fuck he had already removed his shoes downstairs. Jungkook whines when Namjoon jostles him a little to be able to remove his shirt.

"Shh it's over, baby", he shushes him. Jungkook huffs brattily but doesn't fight Namjoon anymore, laying pliant as his husband removes his inexpensive clothing.

When Jungkook is almost completely naked--- in his briefs only--- he pouts heavily and pulls Namjoon by the collar. Namjoon, startled, lands directly on top of Jungkook who has the audacity to groan in pain.

Namjoon resists the urge to scoff and pushes himself beside Jungkook. "Why would you do that?", he asks. "I thought it would be romantic!", Jungkook whines, still slurring as he hugs Namjoon's side.

Namjoon laughs sweetly at that. "Such a baby", he playfully flicks Jungkook's forehead. "Only yours", the younger mumbled against Namjoon's chest. It's a little uncomfortable considering the sweaty shirt Namjoon's still wearing but anything for Jungkook.

"Is that so?", Namjoon plays along, lightly combing his fingers through Jungkook's hair, playing with his soft fringe. Jungkook hums against his chest and Namjoon feels it more than he hears it.

He's about to reply when Jungkook suddenly gets up. Namjoon's alarms go off in his mind. But before he can even think about getting up, Jungkook is climbing on top of him, hands on his wrists, effectively pinning him to the bed.

"J-Jungkook", Namjoon stutters, surprised. He had totally forgotten that drunk Jungkook is hornier than the sober one. "Pretty", Jungkook whispers, pressing a kiss to Namjoon's eyebrow.

"Baby, we can't", Namjoon warns. Jungkook raises an eyebrow, or at least tries to do so. He's too drunk to get it right. "Why not", he asks but it doesn't sound like a question. Right. Drunk Jungkook can't even punctuate his sentences.

"Because", Namjoon rests his hands on Jungkook's hips, right above his ass, "you're drunk right now". Jungkook looks at him with such a judgemental expression that for a second Namjoon wonders whether he's actually drunk or just acting.

His suspicions fade in thin air when Jungkook leans down completely, resting his full body weight on top of Namjoon, and mumbles something. Incoherent, as always. "What was that?", he asks, hands rubbing up and down on his soft skin.

"As if we haven't had drunk sex ever", Jungkook says, bolder this time. Namjoon almost chokes at his bluntness. He sputters, bringing one of his hands up to hold Jungkook's cheek while the other circles his waist.

"Baby, we're both drunk every time that happens. I'm not drunk today. So I don't feel comfortable knowing you're not fully consenting me", he explains gently.

Jungkook huffs. "But I am!", he exclaims. Namjoon sighs. "You're not sober enough", he argues. Jungkook shakes his head once before letting out a long, dramatic sigh. "'kay", he mutters, slumping back on Namjoon's chest. Namjoon grins, wrapping his arms tightly around Jungkook.

"My sweet little hubby", Namjoon says, pecking Jungkook's nose. He would've cringed really hard if it wasn't for Jungkook looking like a college student, face all flushed because of the alcohol and his own annoyance.

"'m sleepy", Jungkook mumbles. Namjoon hums, smiling. He's too whipped for his own good. "Let me remove my clothes first?", Namjoon suggests. Jungkook begrudgingly moves to the side, letting Namjoon get changed into some more comfortable clothes.

"Joonie~", Jungkook starts whining when Namjoon takes a little too long to get out of the closet. "Coming, coming, coming", Namjoon chants, laughing out when he realizes how dirty that sounds.

He quickly climbs into bed with Jungkook, bringing him into his arms. "Okay, koo, tell me something", Namjoon starts. Granted, Jungkook is drunk but Namjoon knows he's not gonna fall asleep without some interaction.

He decides to proceed further when he hears a low hum. "How much do you love me?", he smiles to himself. Jungkook looks up at him with big but tired eyes. "Why?", he pouts.

Namjoon chuckles. "I just wanted to know", he replies simply. Jungkook seems to be satisfied with the answer because he starts humming to himself before suddenly looking up at him again with a dopey smile.

"This much", he says, expanding his left arm as far as possible because his right arm is tangled around Namjoon's body. Namjoon laughs fondly. "Only that much?", he teases. Jungkook gives him a challenging look (which actually is just his pouting).

"No, I love you this much", he says, expanding both his legs. Namjoon almost tears up while laughing hard at that. He squeezes Jungkook impossibly closer to himself.

With love in his heart and fondness in his eyes, Namjoon starts pressing kisses all over Jungkook. "I love you this much", a kiss to his cheek. "Love you most", another to his eyebrow. "Will only ever love you", another one to his earlobe. "My love", a soft peck to his left eyelid, another to his chin.

"I---", he stops suddenly when he sees Jungkook sound asleep, breathing calmly against his chest. He nuzzles his head, a warm, fuzzy feeling erupting in his stomach, giving him a thousand butterflies.

His eyes roam at the picture on the night stand. It's one of their small family. Jungkook carrying Jimin in his arms while he's holding Taehyung against his chest, smiling wide at the camera, their heads are tipped towards each other, connecting them.

Namjoon closes his eyes, smiling, tightening his hold around his husband.

"Please stay with me. Forever".


Next is Author's note!

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