14. Vulnerable

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"Guess, its just you and me then", Jungkook smiles, laying beside Jimin on their bed. Jimin makes a squeaky noise and flaps his hands and legs, grinning big at his 'temporary' father.

Jungkook tickles his stomach, giggling when Jimin laughs and squirms away. He lays flat on his stomach, eyes round as he stares at Jungkook. The older follows quickly and turns around so that he's on his stomach, too.

"Mimi", he calls softly. Jimin perks up at that. "Oh", he says, as if to show that he's acknowledged Jungkook calling him. "Mimi", Jungkook says again. "Oh!", Jimin repeats, louder this time. Jungkook has to stop himself from giggling as he says, "Mimi Mimi".

Jimin makes a frustrated sound and bangs his little fists on the bed, annoyed. Jungkook laughs heartily, cooing at his baby's adorable reaction. He scoots closer to the toddler and wraps him in his arms, nuzzling his cheek into Jimin's head.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry", he apologizes, laughing when Jimin huffs and closes his eyes. He has his lips shaped in a thin line, not exactly pouting but close. "You're one grumpy baby", he comments lovingly.

When Jimin doesn't respond, Jungkook frowns and picks him up, putting him on his lap. "Christmas is coming, Mimi", he talks, as if Jimin is going to understand anything.

He takes both of Jimin's arms in his hands and starts making him do weird actions. Jimin pushes his back against Jungkook's chest, giggling loudly. Jungkook sighs in relief, he's not good with grumpy babies.

"Do you like Santa?", he asks. Jimin squeals loudly, trying to crane his head back so that he can look at Jungkook. "Santa!", he exclaims, eyes shining. Jungkook has never felt more relieved in his whole life. At least Minsook had been decent enough to celebrate Christmas with Jimin.

"Yes! We'll meet Santa! And you'll meet yoongi!", he says excitedly. Jimin bounces happily. Jungkook guesses he's happy about meeting new people. He's sure Jimin would love Yoongi.

They had decided that instead of fixing a particular date to meet up, they'll all celebrate Christmas together at Seokjin's house. Jungkook had been reluctant at first but Hoseok assured him that they're going to use all the decorations he ordered, even the tree.

"You know Yoongi is just like a cat", he says, watching as Jimin looks at him intently, as if he's very much interested in knowing about his cousin. Jungkook smiles. "He has these little feline eyes and the cutest little smile. He loves napping. You'll love him!", he exclaims.

Jimin nods fiercely, eyes wide. Jungkook laughs at how adorable the toddler is, his heart aching a bit when he remembers why he's here in the first place.

"You see---", Jungkook gets cut off by his phone ringing. He settles Jimin firmly on his lap, securing him with an arm. He frowns when he sees Officer Lee's name on the screen.

"Hello?", he says cautiously. Officer Lee shuffles a bit, sighing as he answers. "Yeah, I'm sitting on my bed, why?", he says when the officer asks him whether he's sitting or standing. Its a bit weird but Jungkook doesn't dare question him.

"What?!", he shouts in the phone when Officer Lee finally drops the bomb. Jimin doesn't take it too good as he flinches, stares blankly in front of him before he starts crying, the shock just settling in.

"Oh no", Jungkook curses himself, hands shaking. He rubs Jimin's wrist, trying to calm him down. "Yeah, I'm o-okay", he says stiffly. "What about Jimin?", he asks softly. Officer Lee lets him know that they're still finding a good home for him. "Okay, yeah, thank you", he says and hangs up.

Jungkook can't think straight. (He's not making a pun, thank you very much). He looks at Jimin as the baby hiccups, sobbing silently. When jungkook goes to wipe his tears, Jimin flinches away, his cries getting softer yet he looks terrified.

Jungkook's heart aches. How much exactly have Jimin's parents broken him? "Mimi", he whispers, as gentle as possible. Jimin doesn't react. Instead, he curls up on the bed, his hands coming forward to hide his face.

"Oh no", Jungkook whispers to himself as he realizes what this means. With bile rising up his throat, Jungkook forces himself to tend to the toddler. "Honey, come here", he tries and reaches out to hold him.

This time, Jimin flinches but doesn't back away. He leans into the touch and moves forward, whimpering as Jungkook finally picks him up. "It's okay", he assures, smoothing down the back of his hair as he clings to him, sobbing into the curve of his neck.

Jungkook feels guilty as he pats his head. He shouldn't have yelled. "I'm sorry. I'm not gonna hurt you", he says gently, hugging him close as he rubs little circles on his back, making sure that Jimin doesn't choke on his tears.

After a long while, Jimin's cries die down and Jungkook is left with a distressed hiccuping toddler, tears staining his chubby cheeks. "Shh, its alright. You're okay", he whispers. Jimin falls asleep on his shoulder after five more minutes, having tired himself out.

Jungkook stands up slowly, careful not to disturb the toddler and walks around to grab a towel to keep on his shoulder as Jimin slouches heavily. Despite all this commotion, Jungkook can't quite distract himself from the talk he had with Officer Lee.

He walks down the stairs and sits down on the couch, turning the TV on. He makes sure to keep the volume low so that Jimin doesn't accidentally wake up.

Jungkook's thoughts wander to Jimin's parents and a shiver runs down his spine, making him feel vulnerable and cold. He closes his eyes but the images only get worse. He hugs jimin tighter to his chest, a sense of protectiveness rushing through his veins.

Every two seconds, Jungkook's eyes gaze at the clock with longing, a heaviness settling deep inside his heart.

He just wants his husband to be back home.

He just wants his husband to be back home

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