17. Angels

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Namjoon looks back at the locked door before jumping on Jungkook. The younger yelps and rolls aside just in time so that Namjoon falls on the bed and not over him.

"Joonie, what are you doing?", he whines when Namjoon climbs over him, pinning his hands to the bed. "You're such a menace", Namjoon huffs, pressing a kiss to his neck.

Jungkook giggles at the ticklish feeling, trying to squirm away. "What did I do?", he laughs. "You literally scared the shit out of me just to tell me you think you're pregnant?", Namjoon says incredulously. Jungkook laughs louder at that.

"Jungkook, come on. You don't even take it up your ass!", Namjoon exclaims. Jungkook gasps and turns them around so that he's now hovering over Namjoon. The taller opens his mouth to protest but Jungkook captures his lips in a slow kiss.

Whatever Namjoon wanted to say dies down in his throat and he twines their fingers together, right above his head. Jungkook pulls back to breathe and Namjoon whines.

Jungkook rolls his eyes before speaking, "You can't just say things like that". Namjoon raises an eyebrow. "Why not?", he asks. Jungkook huffs and moves to lay down beside Namjoon, not facing him.

Namjoon chuckles a little and wraps an arm around his husband's waist, pulling him close. "I love you", he whispers, kissing behind his ear. Jungkook bites his lip to keep himself from smiling. "Cheesy", he answers.

Namjoon laughs. "I love you", he repeats. Jungkook shakes his head. "I don't love you", he says firmly. Namjoon tightens his arm around his waist. "You don't?"

Jungkook finally sighs and turns around in his hold, tracing Namjoon's chest with his index finger. "I do", he says softly, pecking the side of Namjoon's jaw. His husband smiled sweetly and pecks his lips in return.

"We should sleep", he says, turning off the bedside lamp so that the room goes dark, a few shades of moonlight climbing in through the dark blue blinds. "Okay", Jungkook agrees.

Two minutes pass but neither of them close their eyes. Endeared, Namjoon huffs out a small laugh. "Go to sleep", he chuckles. Jungkook kisses his nose fondly. "Close your eyes, Joonie", he orders.

Namjoon smiles and closes his eyes. After a minute or so, he tries to peek at Jungkook only to gasp when he finds him wide awake, eyes situated at him. He pinches his waist, making him whine.

"Why aren't you closing your eyes?", he demands. Jungkook sighs tiredly. "I'm thinking about something", he says honestly. Namjoon frowns. "What is it?", he asks carefully.

Jungkook buries his face in Namjoon's neck. "It's nothing", he insists. Namjoon shakes his head, moving his hand from Jungkook's waist to run his fingers through his hair. "It's definitely something if it isn't letting you sleep", he says in a voice that leaves no room for arguments.

"What is it, honey?", he asks, gentler this time. He feels Jungkook sigh heavily on his neck. "Jimin", he whispers after a while. "What about him?", Namjoon asks, always so patient.

"His parents...", Jungkook trails off. Namjoon scratches at his scalp lightly to comfort him. Whatever it is that is bothering Jungkook must be heavy to have impacted his sleep.

"Officer Lee told me that they're finding a temporary placement for him until he finds a permanent place to live in", he says. Namjoon stiffens a little at that. He hadn't given it much thought before.

"And you know, like, his dad has given all the parental rights he had over Jimin so..", Jungkook hiccups a little. Namjoon isn't dumb. He knows what Jungkook is implying. Still, he wants to hear it directly from his husband. They have to be on the same page regarding this.

"So?", he asks. Jungkook gulps a little. "So, I was thinking, maybe we could.. you know.. adopt him?", he asks. There's silence from Namjoon and Jungkook panics. He quickly starts explaining himself.

"I mean, I know we're young and all but we can make it work, I can take him to my studio or something. We can hire a babysitter even. I think---", Jungkook is cut off by Namjoon kissing him deeply.

When they part, he can make off the hints of Namjoon's smile. "Baby, relax", Namjoon says. Jungkook whimpers. He has always been insecure about expressing himself, no matter how much Namjoon has assured him that each one of his opinions matter.

"I was thinking about this yesterday", Namjoon says a moment later. Jungkook detaches his face from his neck to look at him. Even in the dark, he can see Namjoon's dimpled grin glistening with the moonlight.

"Really?", he whispers weakly. Instead of giving an answer verbally, Namjoon smiles more and tips his face forward to kiss Jungkook's cheek. The relieved sigh that leaves Jungkook's mouth makes his heart ache in his chest.

"I love him", Jungkook speaks. Namjoon smiles as he brushes off Jungkook's fringe from his forehead. "I do, too. I love him a lot. Since the moment we named him", he replies.

Jungkook giggles at that. "Jimin". Namjoon giggles back, overwhelmingly fond. "You know he reminds me of when I first met Yoongi. He was so small", he says softly, eyes getting watery at the memory.

Jungkook rubs his arm, smiling softly. "I didn't like kids. Like, at all. But the day I saw him, I cried so hard. Because--", he sniffles before continuing, "--he looked so beautiful. Just nine months old. I just couldn't not love him".

Jungkook nods. "I know. The first time I heard Mimi on the phone, I just--- I had to take him in. I thought, how can someone hurt an angel like him? It just wasn't fair, Joonie", he says, voice filling with rage.

Namjoon scoots him closer, tucking his head under his chin. "I know, honey. I know. Some people don't deserve to have angels", he says.

Jungkook sighs, comforted. "Do we?", he asks. "Hmm?", Namjoon hums questioningly. Jungkook breathes shakily.

"Do we deserve angels, Joonie?"

"I'm sure we do, baby".

Lol bet y'all thought i suddenly included mpreg

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Lol bet y'all thought i suddenly included mpreg.

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