Part 1

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Im quickly woken by yelling and screaming tracing it back to my mom, and sister Ana Sofia.

I groggily start sitting up before memories of yesterday start flooding back to me. After i got home from soccer practice my mom and sister were fighting with each other, which isnt abnormal but this time my sister threatened to leave.

I quickly jump out of bed grabbing a sweater and running down the stairs seeing them in a screaming match.

"Mami, Ana calmate por favor" i beg looking between them worriedly and my sister glances at me her gaze softening for a second before my moms voice turns to screaming at me.

"Maria Elena Mireia Camilia Lola Moreno vuelve a tu cuarto.. now." my mother says her voice low and angry.

Yes my name is that long. Maria isnt my first name though, elena is. Maria is all of me and my sisters first names. Dont ask me why it just is. The rest are middle names that rarely anyone even knows about. But if im honest mireia is my favorite. It just sounds so cool. But oops anyways my mom.

My mom terrifies me... of course but ive never been one to back down to her.

Which is probably why she USED to like Ana Sofia more, but Ana has been arguing with her more recently so i think that may have changed just a teensy bit.

"Mama can we please talk about all of this later? Its early and youre both angry, lets not do something we'll regret." i attempt hoping Ana Sofia wont leave.

My mom huffs angrily before stomping back to her room after hearing my little sister Nina crying making me sigh and run up to Ana Sofia.

"Ana what happened?" i ask looking at my older sister worriedly as she stands there, angry tears running down her face.

Cant blame her though, angry crying is a real problem, i suffer through it a lot in my lifetime.

"I cant do this anymore lena. I cant stay here." she says sighing and meeting my eyes. Her eyes look tired, drained, and sad. I understand it though this house is a hard place to stay at. Theres always an argument about something.

"But if you leave, i cant deal with this by myself." i say gulping feeling nervous. My sister turns to me with a guilty face. "I know i know, maybe we can both leave. My school isnt far from here, we can get a small apartment between yours and my school!" she says excitedly and my eyes widen.

"Really??" i ask surprised. I didnt think she was this serious but this honestly sounds great. "I would actually love that!" i say excitedly and she smiles. "I'll talk to mom you go get ready for school and i'll update you when youre out." she says smiling at me and i jump up hugging her and running upstairs to my room to change.


Saying goodbye to my puppy miko and grabbing my school bag, since thank goodness theres no practice today, i jump into my car honking once waiting for my brother to get in the car.

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