Part 17

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By the time we finish decorating the crepes i see the time saying 9:30

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By the time we finish decorating the crepes i see the time saying 9:30.

i place the finished crepes in the fridge before moving to clear off the table.

"Jacinto can you grab the plates for me please?" i say as i place the table cloth down.

he walks to the cabinet grabbing cups and plates before setting them down and i walk over to the coffee machine in the corner excitedly.


everything is ready quickly and we end up waiting a while longer for mariana and tino to wake up.

"wait i hear something!" i cut off Jacinto as he looks to the hallway.

i grab the few decorated crepes we made and put them on the table quickly before pushing Jacinto into a seat and sitting beside him looking eagerly towards the hallway.

i see a sleepy mariana walk out and i elbow jacinto.

"Surprise!" we both say gaining her attention as her eyes widen.

"aye mija que bonita!" she says putting her hands to her mouth in shock.

"we made crepes!" i say motioning towards the plate of crepes we made.

"do you like crepes?" i ask worriedly but she gives me a look that shuts me up making me laugh.

"lena i will love anything you make me. gracias mi niña linda." shes says smiling sweetly.

"hold on im going to go get tino." she says smiling happily and rushing to her room.

"good job jacinto. we did good." i say smiling at him offering my hand for a high five.

he looks over at me thinking for a second before shaking his head and smiling.

"that was all you." he says returning the high five.

mariana and tino come back and we begin to eat talking happily and excitedly.


breakfast goes perfectly and Mariana and tino of course love the food.

"thank you so much Lena. It was amazing!" Mariana says giving me the biggest smile.

"of course! thank you for letting me stay." i say smiling at her embarrassedly.

"lena." she starts giving me a look that makes me giggle lightly.

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