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Hugs All Around

          IF YOU TOLD Arlo last year, she'd end up in a police station twice in a few months, she'd would have never believed you. In fact, she would have thought you were crazy.

But here she was. Sitting by a detective's desk with Samuel next to her as he explained the lie of their missing whereabouts to the Inspector and the surrounding officers.

She looked down at the fresh, clean clothes she had been given which didn't smell like old furniture, but like it had come out straight out of the washing machine. She loved that, though she did miss wearing Guzmán's jumper.

After Guzmán had informed them Polo had been arrested later on at school. The two knew Carla or Ander finally cracked and when Arlo found out it was the former, she felt betrayed– even more than she already did. He was supposed to be her best friend, but to her it looked like going missing wasn't something he cared about.

"I fell off the bike and some kids that were passing by offered for us to go to their house where they were having a rave." Samuel explained.

"I stupidly forgot to check the gas on my car and I panicked, so we crashed." Arlo spoke confidently, staring an officer in the eye. "My nose started bleeding when I took out my phone to call someone and it wasn't working, so I got mad and threw it. I helped Samuel get his bike out and we walked until he wanted to ride for a while, so he did. Then I met the kids and they offered me their phones so I could call a tow truck. Weirdly, they didn't have their phones on them, so I went with them to their house."

Samuel nodded. "When we got there. Everything got a bit out of hand there. I lost my phone and Arlo threw hers, we didn't hear anything until yesterday."

"Sure." One Officer noted. "Do you have the names or numbers of some of those people you were with? Someone who can corroborate your story?"

"I just–"

"No," the Inspector denied. "There is no need. Everything is all right. Their families have already suffered enough. Speaking of which, your parents are in the lobby waiting for you."

Arlo shot out the chair instantly. While it was true she had never been on the best of terms with her parents and there were times she hated them, but she couldn't imagine what they had been thinking the last few days.

The girl ran down through the doors that led to the lobby where she spotted her parents sitting in the waiting room, looking agitated and nervous.

Esme was the first to spot Arlo as she let out a loud sob and ran to her daughter in a second. Arlo was engulfed in her mother's embrace instantly.

"Oh my beautiful, beautiful girl." Esme cried into Arlo's shoulder.

"Mom." Arlo whispered as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Esme pulled away quickly. "Let me get a look at you. Are you okay? Are you hurt? What the hell happened?"

Arlo opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't articulate any words as her eyes landed on her father. Manuel flashed a weak smile at his daughter before Arlo rushed towards him, her arms snaking around him.

She felt the man let out a sigh of relief as he cried. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. For everything. I've been so horrible to you." He pulled away and cupped her cheek. "I promise you, I'm– we are going to be better parents. I promise."

"Really?" Arlo said in disbelief.

"I promise."

Arlo nodded with a smile. "Okay."

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