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Braxton's P.O.V.

"Braxton! Help!", Zander yelled from upstairs. I jumped up from the couch, following his panicked voice to Nikki's room. She was passed out on the floor, Zander hovering above her.

"What happened?", I asked, checking her pulse.

"I-I don't know. I came to ask if she wanted to play basketball and I found her like this." Jamen bolted into the room,

"Shit. Nikki? Nikki, wake up.", he said shaking her a little. Zander left and came back with a cold wet towel, placing it on her head,

"I think it might be the heat." After a few minutes, Nikki shifted a little, whining.

"Nikki, hey. Wake up kid.", Jamen said softly. She whined again,

"D-Doctor.", she croaked hoarsely.

"I'm gonna take her to the hospital."

Jamen's P.O.V.

The doctor, who couldn't have been less than eighty, came into the room with a clipboard,

"Nikki, how have you been feeling lately?"

"Awful.", she said softly.

"Have you been to a doctor?"

"Six. They won't listen to me."

"Can you tell me what's been going on?"

"I get really dizzy and sick a lot. And my cramps get so bad sometimes I pass out." He nodded,

"You have endometriosis. It's very common but for some reason continues to be overlooked. We can put you on medication that should help you get better."

"R-Really?", she whispered. He nodded,

"Of course. I'm sorry your other doctors didn't listen to you."

"I just wanted to get better."

"You will get better."


"Jamen?", Zayn said softly.

"Hey kid. What's up?" He sat next to me on the couch,

"Can I tell you something? I-I don't wanna tell Braxton."

"Of course." He hesitated,

"I-I stole a beer from the fridge last night." I nodded,

"Okay. Thank you for telling me. Any specific reason?" He shrugged,

"I-I just wanted to I guess. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. But you are in trouble. Do you understand why you can't drink?"

"Because it's illegal."

"Well, yes. But also because your brain is still developing and drinking alcohol or doing drugs will slow down that process and could create really big problems in the future. Okay?"

"Okay. I didn't know that."

"Now you do. But either way you knew better than to drink and you are still in trouble." He nodded. "Why didn't you wanna tell Braxton?" He shrugged,

"He's scary I guess."

"He'd never hurt you though, okay? You need to tell him." He nodded sadly. "Braxton!", I called. He walked in and stopped,

"Is everything okay?"

"I stole a beer last night.", Zayn whispered. Braxton nodded,

"Okay... you know why you're in trouble?" He nodded. "Good. Go up to your room, I'll be right there."

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