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Zayn's P.O.V.

"Y-Yes?", I whispered, walking into the office.

"You're dad is here to get you sweets.", the secretary said.

"Oh. He's not my-" I stopped, looking around, "Where is he?"

"Zayn?" I looked up as a strange man stood in the doorway.

"Oh shit. Are you...-"

"Yeah. I uh- I'm your dad."

"I...I...I need to call Braxton."


"Hey, hey breathe.", Braxton said softly, holding my shoulders, "Breathe kiddo. I'm right here. It's okay." I nodded, taking deep breaths,

"Okay. Okay I'm fine."

"Go talk to him. I'll be here." I nodded, leaving Braxton by his car and going back to the bench where Rafael sat.

"I'm sorry I just showed up. I didn't mean to like... terrify you..."

"It's not you specifically. Men scare me and strangers scare me and- and you're both." I paused, "Why? Why now?"

"You bounced around for a long time. It was hard to catch up with you and then with legal shit. But you've been here for months. It seems pretty solid and I finally caught up enough to come get you-"

"I'm not going with you.", I said quickly, "I-I mean not yet at least. Where I am is really solid and it's the first place I've been that's good. Braxton's not gonna care if you're around more. But I don't know you. For all I know, you could be lying. I-I want a test. And we'll go from there."

"Okay. Absolutely. I'm glad you're in a good spot kid. Really. And I'm glad you're hesitant. And smart." He smiled a little, "You look like your mother."

"Yeah, fuck her."

"Watch your mouth.", he scolded. My heart raced, but differently.

"Sorry. I'm not on good terms with her."

"Can I ask why?"

"Besides her selling me for drugs and then abandoning me?"

"S-Selling you- she-" He stopped, taking a deep breath, "I will find her and she will be held responsible for that shit."

"Why did you leave?"

"Leave?", he laughed a little, "I never left you. Your mother and I had a one night stand. She didn't want to have a baby but I told her if she did, I'd take on being a single parent. She was all for it until about a month before she was due. Then she wanted full custody of you. I fought for it, but she's the mother. Then she picked up and left everything with you. I've been trying to get to you since. I didn't want you to know and create a false hope but now I know that when you're ready, I can take full custody. I can be your dad."

"I-I've always wanted a dad."


"Come back."

"I will." , I said hugging Braxton, "Thanks for showing me a real family."

"We're still a family kiddo." I nodded, walking out the front door and getting into the nice black car- in the backseat next to Rafael.

"Just tell me when. You can visit anytime. Seriously.", he said softly. I nodded, watching the house I'd called home fade into the distance,


"You alright?" I nodded. "Zayn, if you're not ready it's okay."

"I won't be ready until I do it.", I said turning around.

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