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Grayson's P.O.V.


"Oh no.", Tyler whined, jogging over to me on the field, "Grayson go home! Please!"

"No. I'm handling this."

"Grayson what the fuck are you doing? Just go home.", Jaxx groaned. Vincent, the quarterback, turned around to me,

"Yeah, go home Gayson."

"Dude.", Jaxx said softly.

"Shut the fuck up Jaxxson. You missed your time to act like a brother.", I snapped, turning back to Vincent, "Leave my goddamn brother alone. All of you. The last thing you want is our dads to come up here. Leave him alone." Vincent stepped close to me,

"Don't tell me what to do faggot." Without thinking, I reeled back and decked him in the nose. While he held his bloody face in his hands, I turned back to Tyler,

"Good luck at practice. Kick ass. Call me if you need anything."


"Grayson! Get in here!", Braxton yelled as soon as I walked in the door. Shit. He sounds really fucking mad. He never gets really mad.

"I-I know you're mad. I'm sorry. I didn't think. I was mad about Ty and then he said some stuff to me and I-I just hit him. I'm sorry.", I said quickly.

"You hit someone!?"

"I- that's not what you're mad about?"

"No Grayson I'm mad about the fucking drugs!"

"Drugs? What drugs?"

"The steroids in your room."

"The what!? Braxton, I've literally never done drugs. Why would I ever do steroids? I have no reason to do drugs or lie to you. I'll take a fucking test if you really don't trust me." He sighed,

"You will take a test. I can't risk it Grayson. And until it comes back, you're grounded." I scoffed,


"Who did you hit and why?"

"The quarterback for fucking with Ty. And Jaxxson's next on my list for not protecting him."

"I'll talk to him." I sat down at the kitchen table,

"I-I called you and Max our dads earlier. I'm sorry."

"Why? Don't be sorry. We don't mind at all. I call you guys my kids all the time." I smiled a little, nodding.


I walked past Tyler's room and froze, noticing Tyler pacing quickly,

"Ty?", I said softly, opening the door. He stopped, turning to me as tears streamed down his cheeks,

"I-I did a dumb thing I'm sorry!", he cried. I sighed, leaning on the doorway,

"You put the steroids in my room?" He nodded,

"I-I'm so sorry Grayson. I-I-I was mad and I wanted to-to get you in trouble but it was bad and I'm sorry."

"You know we have to tell Braxton, right?" He nodded a little. "How was practice?" He hesitated,


"Okay.", I sighed, "Let's go talk to Brax." He reluctantly followed me downstairs to the kitchen, staying close to my side. "Braxton." He turned around from the stove, panicking a little,

"What's going on?" I nudged Tyler a little,

"Tell him."

"I-I put the-the steroids in Grayson's room."

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