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Braxton's P.O.V.

"Can I ask you something?", Jaxx whispered. He'd finally put two month old Gracie to sleep.

"Of course.", I said pushing his hair away from his tired eyes.

"Why- um- w-why do you like... s-spank us...? Like... why that?"

"When I first started a home for boys, I tried other methods and they never seemed to work. This works. And the way I do it works to where you guys understand why I did and you don't repeat the mistake. But I rarely spank Zach or Tyler because of their pasts. They don't respond well and it's not a learning situation for them like it is for you guys. So we find ways around it." He nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"Should I like... do it to her...?"

"Well not now, no." He laughed a little. "I think that's up to you. And you won't decide that for a few years. It depends on her personality and your relationship together and all that. But when you decide, you have to stick with it. If you choose something else and then somewhere along the line change your mind, it will be a bad situation. And always talk to her, no matter the age."

"I know. And like, hug her and make sure she's okay. Like you do with us."

"Exactly." I sighed, "Go shower and get some rest. I'll watch her."

"No, I'm good. She's my responsibility."

"And you're mine. I wasn't asking Jaxxson. When she's sleeping, you should be too."

"That's what they tell the moms.", he rolled his eyes.

"Well you're both for her. And you should be too. I can handle her for a few hours. I have kinda done this before y'know. Besides, I need some bonding moments with my granddaughter." He smiled,

"Does that mean I can stop trying not to call you dad?"

"Of course. Just because I wasn't always there doesn't mean I'm not your parent."

"More than my real ones were."

"Join the club kiddo."

Grayson's P.O.V.

Zayn hovered outside my room.

"Yes?", I asked softly, hoping not to wake Tyler or Micah.

"You- um- Y-You were at graveyard, weren't you?" I nodded a little,

"Y-Yeah. You too?" He nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah. Me too. Can I ask something?"


"Did-Did he sell you too?" I shook my head,

"No kiddo. He just hit me a lot." He nodded a little. "Did he sell you?"

"Y-Yeah. Just a few times."

"I'm sorry the people who were supposed to protect you fucked you up."

"Thanks." He looked to Tyler and Micah, smiling a little.

"You're always welcomed to come in here too."

"Thanks Grayson."


Tyler sat next to me on the couch, clinging to my side. I sighed,

"I don't mind, but what's up with you?"

"Sorry.", he said, going to move. I hugged him tighter,

"What the fuck did I just say? You're not bugging me. I just wanna know what's going on." He hesitated,

"I uh- I dunno honestly. I'm just feeling really clingy and I want attention."

"Oh. Okay.", I shrugged, petting his hair. Zayn shuffled into the room, slowly sitting across from us on the couch. "You okay?", I asked. He shrugged, his eyes fighting to stay open. "C'mere." He moved over to me as I pulled him to my side, "You're okay."

"Braxton is mad at me.", he whispered.

"He'll get over it kid. He always does."

"Until he doesn't."


"Why are you mad at Zayn?", I asked standing in the kitchen. I could still see Zayn and Tyler asleep on the couch in the living room.

"He got in trouble at school.", Braxton sighed.

"What happened?", I asked helping him cut up vegetables.

"First he lashed out in class and that got him a warning. Then I guess some kids were messing with him and they said something and he started hitting them. He's suspended for a week."

"A week!? That was self defense!"

"No it wasn't Gray. They didn't lay a hand on him. I'm upset they were picking on him too, but he can't hit people for what they say to him." He got quiet as Zayn shuffled into the room tiredly,

"Can I help?", he whispered.

"Have you done your homework?"

"I-I don't understand it."

"Bring it down here and we'll help you."


Twenty minutes into Braxton and I trying to explain math, Zayn laid his head on the counter,

"I can't do it. I'm too stupid."

"Hey, we don't talk like that here Zayn.", Braxton scolded a little. I sat next to him at the bar,

"You're not stupid. I didn't understand this stuff either kid."

"But you're smart."

"Yeah but I still don't understand everything. I known it's really frustrating but you can't just give up."

"Why not? Everyone else gives up on me. I can give up on myself too.", he snapped, running off. Braxton went to follow but I stopped him,

"Let me talk to him first."


"Braxton I think I know what this is about. Please?" He sighed,

"Fine." I went upstairs to Zayn's room, finding him in the corner by his bed. I sat on the floor across from him,

"Zayn, look at me." He did so, wiping his tears. "I know people before have given up on you and I'm sorry about that. But we won't. Ever. No one here gives up on each other but we don't get to give up on ourselves either. Got me?" He nodded. "Tell me what those boys said to you." He sniffled a little,

"They-They said I was just a whore and-and I'd never be anything else."

"That's not true. At all. What happened to you wasn't your choice and I'm so sorry it happened to you. If I could go back and change it, I would. I wish I'd been there to protect you. But I'm here now and so are the others and we aren't gonna let anything like that happen again. Okay?" He nodded as I hugged him tightly, "I love you. You're worth so much more than what they made you out to be."

"I-I love you t-too."


"What's going on with Zayn?", Braxton asked as I sat on the couch.


"Oh.", he whispered, "Can-Can I do anything?"

"I-I don't know if he'll want to, but I think he should go to therapy."

"Okay. I'll talk go him about it tomorrow."

"Braxton he-he got really hurt there. Like I-I got beat and shit but they-they fucking sold him. He's been through so much shit and he finally got out and those kids today put him right back in square one."

"I-I know. I'll talk to him and then I'm gonna go to the school."

"If they don't do anything, I will."

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