Take Me Back To The Night We Met

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Or at least he thought he had.

As he fled up the flight of stairs back to the restaurant, planning on running straight past the perplexed looks and shouts of his name he anticipated from his friends, Mean was hot on his heels. With his never-ending legs, Plan knew he couldn't outrun him. Mean caught hold of his sleeve right at the top of the staircase, just as he was about to make a successful escape. He tried to yank his arm away but Mean's grip didn't loosen. Instead, Plan swirled so forcefully that the handrail he clutched onto was the only thing that kept him balanced.

"Let go of me," Plan fired, teeth gritted as he tried to tug his arm free, "I'm serious, Mean. Let me go."

"I already did!"

That stung. Plan blinked at the boy who'd turned his whole world upside down. The boy who had crept his way under his skin. He'd never thought he had it in him to be so cruel. He pursed his lips into a tight line to stop them from wobbling.

"Ouch," he felt numb, cold eyes looking over Mean as he tried to gather the remnants of dignity he'd earlier abandoned, "well then you've got what you wanted."

"What I wanted?" Mean spluttered on an incredulous laugh, "what I fucking wanted? Are you crazy?"

"Well this was your plan from the start wasn't it?" Plan snarled, if Mean was going to hit below the belt then he could too, "get inside my head, wear me down, fuck with me until I caved in. Everything's always a game with you, nothing's ever real – "

"Shut up," Mean's hands flew to his shoulders and shook him hard, "just fucking shut up."

"Why? Is the truth too hard for you to handle?"

Mean shook his head at him, fury the elder hadn't expected twisting every line across his usually so soft face. His eyes were on fire.

"How dare you man," Mean punctuated each word, "how fucking dare you."

Plan tried to interrupt, to carry on his verbal assault and cut Mean up into little pieces the same way he had done him. Before he could, Mean clasped a hand across his mouth. He moved closer, getting up in his face and crowding him against the handrail.

"I never wanted this. This is all on you. It has been since the very beginning. You kissed me in that cupboard. You asked me to touch you. You asked me to take you home. You scripted a whole list of terms and conditions. I did all of it, everything you asked. Did it all your way just to make you fucking feel better because you can't cope with the fact that you want me. That you want a guy. So don't you dare fucking come at me like I orchestrated all of this. You started this, Plan. You."

Mean inhaled on deep, angry breaths. His lungs exhausted from the onslaught of cold hard truth he'd unleashed. As the words sank in, a shaken Plan started to feel guilty. He had never meant for it to be like that. He'd never wanted Mean to feel like he didn't have a choice. All he'd wanted was the time to decipher what had been actually going on his head. He'd taken too long.

"And now you're finishing it. You could have just said no." he argued feebly. Mean just offered him a sarcastic laugh that was so icy it made Plan's blood run cold.

"Oh yeah?" How could I exactly?"

"I never forced you to do anything!"

"I want you, you idiot! Don't you fucking get that yet? I'm so into you that I'll take anything I can damn well get!"

"Then what's your problem!?" Plan fired back. "You can have me, you've BEEN having me in fact!"

Plan pushed at Mean's arms, wary of being too vicious in case he went flying down the stairs. He wanted to hurt him but, not like that. Never like that.

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