Love Me Like A Brother, Fuck Me Like A Husband

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"I like that shirt," Plan said, eyeing Mean up and down as he dressed in his first ensemble of the day. The top looked to be made of silk, a mish-mash of black and white patches of fabric that didn't correspond either side. Stripey red details brightened the collar and cuffs and the taller, as usual, made it look even more expensive than it probably already was. "I might steal it later."

"No chance," Mean scoffed, "you've already nicked half of my wardrobe. Most of the things I buy end up in your closet before I've even had the chance to wear them!"

"Boyfriend privileges, I guess?" Plan shrugged.

"Oh so I am still your boyfriend then?"

Plan gave him a wry smile, listening backstage to the crowd awaiting the start of the event. The MC's introductions commenced over the speakers and Plan knew this was not the right time. Last night had been the very first they'd spent together since their relationship had developed past friends without having sex. Mean had kept to his word and not questioned him further, Plan instead spending the evening spooned on one of the twin beds with a long arm wrapped protectively around him, the younger snoring lightly into his hair as he dreamt of a world Plan hoped was kinder than this one.

"Talk later," he mumbled as they were hurried into the wings by venue staff.


Plan hadn't realised that he knew how to say hello in so many languages until they were put on the spot after finishing their first duet. Native tongue first, followed by Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese. It was testament to how good their fans were, he supposed, having become much more widespread than he ever would have imagined. He believed it important to be able to communicate with all of them as best he could, hoped that if anything it proved how grateful he was to have their support.

The MC asked them if they were happy to be back in Myanmar and Plan immediately confirmed that he was delighted, even though yesterday morning all he'd wanted to do was curl up under a duvet on his own and never face the world again. Still, now they were here and staring at a sea of faces so pleased to see them, something which he still didn't truly understand, he was glad he'd made the journey. He praised the food of their people even though earlier he'd eaten very little, but that was his own fault. The plates which had been set down in front of them looked exquisite.

"What was it like sleeping here together last night?" the MC asked, the question accompanied by a cacophony of excited screams. "Was it warm?"

The two boys looked to their translator who helped them out with ease. Plan was taken by surprise, memories of last night's awkward tension hanging over them vivid in his mind. They had gone to bed early after dinner, following a debrief from P'Zanook and P'Pupae around today's itinerary, staring at the ceiling in silence until Plan had eventually sighed, rolling over on to a hip and shifting back against Mean's chest. They stayed like that all night, subconsciously scared to move in case one of them fell out of bed. Listening to the steady rise and fall of Mean's breathing had helped him sleep eventually and, once he had, his slumber had been undisturbed. A welcome change.

He didn't know how to answer but luckily the other boy jumped in before he had to.

"I had a chance to try lots of good Myanmar dishes last night, so I was full and slept well. It was definitely warm but not uncomfortable. It was like being at home."

The elder nodded in agreement, anywhere they both were felt like home these days.

The MC then directed her attention to Plan, posing the same question to him. He decided it best not to say that out loud.

"I wish I could say the same. Myanmar snoring is very loud, I barely slept the whole night."

Plan didn't look at Mean but he could feel his despairing smile upon him, pleased that he could still find the will to make jokes at least for the fans sake.

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