Way Down We Go

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The siblings collapsed back into their serviced apartment, partition door left open to adjoin their separate sleeping spaces. Plan groaned, removing excess layers and unwrapping the scarf from his neck. Their mother had left them to it, heading off to buy some snacks at a local supermarket in preparation for the film they were planning on settling down to watch. After a long day trudging through snow, playing with husky dogs and admiring beautiful views, they were both totally bushed.

Plan fell face first into plush mattress and fluffy pillows, nap long overdue when Prim pounced on his back excitedly, ignoring his groans of complaint.

"Come on little brother," she beamed, shaking his shoulders impatiently, "tell me everything!"

"There's nothing to tell!" the younger sibling replied, words muffled in goose feathers. Prim had been trying to get him to open up all day. She'd thrown knowing glances at him every time his phone buzzed and twice he'd caught her blowing kiss faces behind his back through a camera lens. More annoyingly though, every time his mother had mentioned Mean, Prim looked at him and had the audacity to wink.

"Don't give me that," Prim tickled at his sides playfully.

"Get off!" Plan protested, catching her evil wrists in a hand and jolting as far out of his sister's reach as he could get without leaving the comfort of his bed.

"Only if you fill me in!"

Plan huffed in defeat, sitting up on crossed legs and affixing stubborn eyes on his least favourite and only sibling.

"Fine, fine! What do you want to know?"

"Yes!" Prim gleefully clapped her hands together, getting comfortable on the bed as she readied the meticulous set of questions she obviously had stashed away in her head. Too clever for own good.

"How long has it been going on?" she asked, eyes sparkling with a happiness that Plan didn't quite understand. He rolled his own at her, counting the days from memory.

"A while? A few months. I don't know, I didn't exactly mark the date."

Prim nodded, observing him with fascination. Her attention the cause of a dark flush creeping up Plan's neck. Europe was so cold and yet he still felt hot under her interrogation.

"Are you in love with him?"

Plan's eyes widened into saucers before he firmly shook his head, blood rushing to his cheeks.

"No! It's not, it's not like that."

"Then what is it like?"

"Have you never just, felt compelled by someone? Like for one reason or another, you just fit? That no matter what happens or where you end up, as long as you've got that person then you know where you're supposed to be? Like you belong?"

Prim pondered over her reply, mind flitting back to her own attractions. Teenage crushes over boys in bands, real life infatuations as she grew older and the one relationship that had so far defined her adulthood.

"Not really, no. I mean I've liked people, sure but its never felt that intense. Fuck, you actually are whipped on him!"

"This really isn't any of your business," Plan frowned. The situation between him and Mean was delicate, private. Unwilling to put it at risk, the fewer people who knew the better.

"Erm, excuse me but you made it my business and even if you hadn't, you're my brother. I've got your back, you know that."

Plan raised a suspicious eyebrow, ignoring the vibration of the phone in his pocket. Part of his brain told him to shrug her persistent enquiries off, carry on as normal in the hope that she would eventually relent and give up. The other part of him knew he could trust her. Knew that she wouldn't tell a soul and that it might not be a bad idea to talk to someone about the whirlwind that was his life. He sighed, surrendering as shoulders fell slack.

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