Turning Tables in Korea

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Plan was backstage, nervously buttoning his shirt as fans milled into the building. Chancing a glance over at Mean, he wondered how he could be so calm. They had travelled to Korea together, the first time he'd seen him in person since that night. Plan wasn't sure if he'd dreamt it the next morning. He'd woken up barely able to move and being spooned, familiar octopus arms holding him close. Mean had nuzzled lightly at his shoulder, told him that he had to leave soon for a lecture. Plan had waited for him to mention it, awkward and uncertain about how to broach the subject. Turned out he hadn't had to because Mean didn't say anything. Not when Plan had jumped in the shower or when he'd chomped down a quick breakfast. Not even when they'd said goodbye at the door and Plan had made their parting kiss brief. He hadn't said it since and for that, Plan was eternally grateful.

As Plan shrugged on his navy blue blazer, he observed Mean deep in conversation with his mother. His Ma loved Mean, had taken him under her wing like an adopted son and regarded him with a great fondness. Sometimes, she was almost as bad as their fans in her less that subtle attempts to get them together. It seemed that you didn't have to be under twenty-five in order to become a victim of the shipping virus. Plan bit back a smile as he overheard Mean talking to her, all polite words and respectful gestures. If only she knew the things Mean said to him when they screwed all night.

Despite Mean's bombshell, the contact they'd had since had been relatively normal. They'd discussed the itinerary for the event, matched up schedules to allow for as much rehearsal time as possible and practiced their Korean over voice notes. Mean had been his usual mushy self, wishing him sweet dreams and liking posts of them looking all lovey-dovey online. Plan had tried not to panic when lingering silences fell over their phone calls, filling the space with jokes about Mean promising not to dress like a girl when he next saw him. He needn't have worried, they were both decked out in matching school uniforms as a treat for the girls that got off on that sort of thing.

"Come on you two, time to get out there and give the fans something to scream about!" P'Zanook poked his head around the door, smile stretched from ear to ear seeing both of his boys at the height of their stardom.

Plan waited whilst Mean bowed goodbye to his Ma, gesturing for her to give them a second alone. She nodded happily, closing the door behind her as she left. Smooth, mother. Smooth. He approached Mean quietly, wrapping arms around his waist. Resting his forehead lightly against defined shoulder blades, Plan exhaled on a deep breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. The taller placed both palms over his, entwining fingers together before giving his hands a quick squeeze.

"Ready for this?" he asked.

"Do I have a choice?" Plan replied, pulling back to avoid getting any makeup on his outfit.

"You always have a choice."

"I'm not so sure if those girls would agree."

"You make a fair point," Mean nodded in acknowledgement, "still though. It'll be fun."

"Hmm. Try not to flirt with everyone who looks in your direction this time?"

"Me?!" the younger exclaimed, turning on the spot to face him, "excuse me but if anyone's a flirt around here it's you! You just get away with it because you're so cute."

"Except you know better."

"And don't you forget it." Mean grinned.

The devilish twinkle in his boyfriend's eyes was too much for Plan. It had been a while since he'd had to play this game for a crowd, he hoped he wasn't too rusty. The spark was still there, the chemistry still tangible but he'd got used to being Mean's. He was almost glad that the younger had suggested they sleep in separate rooms because despite his fear of the supernatural, being denied him last night had only made him extra competitive. Channelling his nerves in the only way he knew how, Plan pushed up on his tiptoes and pressed a slow kiss to Mean's mouth.

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