(1) Meeting m/n

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"Urgh.." m/n stirred awake, hand on his head. 'The hell...I must be in a hospital.' M/n thought as he felt the soft fabric that covered him. He touches his eyelids, "They took off my bandages, damn!"

M/n sat up, slowly placing his foot on the ground. "You shouldn't stand there and watch me ya know.." he groaned turning to a certain shinobi. Eyes closed.

"Sorry but you have to stay in bed for for today. The doctor's orders." he replied watching the boy closely. M/n scoffed, "Whatever. I need bandages, and where is my sickle?" Standing up, still facing the masked jonin.

"They had it confiscated, but before you ask questions," he paused appearing behind m/n. "I need to ask some questions." He gently pushed m/n on the bed passing some bandages to him, giving a closed eyed smile, "There's no point on smiling if I can't see it.." m/n sweat dropped as he wrapped the bandages around his eyes still facing the masked shinobi.

"Ok then, I am Hatake Kakashi and I have some questions for you." he cleared his throat as m/n stared at him.

"What is your purpose on arriving to Konoha?" He asked, turning to m/n. Only to see the boy crossing his arms, "I don't need to tell you anything.."

Kakashi sighed, "Fine then, what is your name. At least answer that question."

M/n glanced towards Kakashi, "..Nakayama..m/n.." Kakashi nodded, "Good that's a start. Now, why were you covered in blood? Was it yours? Or someone elses?"

M/n hung his head, "Someone else's...but I didn't kill them."

Kakashi nodded, "Sorry but the Hokage wishes to see you." M/n whipped his head towards Kakashi, "I thought I had to stay here until tomorrow!"

"That was to keep you here."

M/n growled, "I'm not seeing that old doofus!" Kakashi hummed, "Well I'm gonna have to take you there anyway.."

M/n scowled, standing up, swiftly taking his clothes that were neatly folded on a chair. "I don't know why the hell I came here in the first place. But I'm not gonna be dragged to see the Hokage!" He yelled, appearing behind Kakashi, "And especially not by you, bye bye~"

He waved, jumping off the roof.


"Shit! Come and face me! Right here and now! YOU COWARD!" M/n yelled as he kneeled in front of the Hokage. Surrounded by a couple jonin, bound by rope.

"M/n..." the Hokage said, causing him to flinch. "Yes Lord Third?" He rolled his eyes, glancing at the jonin around him.

"Why did you come to the village?"

M/n groaned, "It's what my parents told me to. Now! Where's my sickle, that's something very special, and if it's broken, I'll kill you, old man!"

Hokage sighed, "You weapon is safe and locked away for now. But if you came here because your parents told you. Where are they?" He eyed m/n suspiciously, m/n flinched. "They... they're dead, sir.."

The Hokage nodded, "Ok, now. What village did you come from?"

M/n scoffed, "I don't belong to any village. My clan has always lived somewhere outside the villages," he paused. "Or at least used to be." He muttered, "But that doesn't matter. The past is the past."

The Hokage nodded, "Now. You will be attending Ninja Academy tomorrow and Kakashi will escort you to your new apartment." M/n sweat dropped, turning to Kakashi, who gave him a smile.


"And here is you key to the apartment. Along with some money for food and other supplies." Kakashi hummed, dropping the items in m/n's hand.

"Thanks. Also, who's my neighbor? He was pretty loud in there."

Kakashi gave you a closed eye smile, "He'll be in you class tomorrow. You can meet him there."

As Kakashi walk away, m/n closed the door to his new apartment. With a bag in his hands, "I made it mom. I hope you're proud of me."

He took out a photo. that had himself, his mom and dad in it. He carefully placed it on the counter, sighing.



M/n sighed, opening the door to see a blonde with a big smile and googles on his head. "Hi! I am Uzumaki Naruto! The future Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto said loudly.

M/n chuckled, "I'm Nakayama m/n. Nice to meet you. Are you my neighbor by any chance?" He asked, Naruto laughed, "Yep!"

M/n sighed, "I need to get some groceries. You wanna come?" He stared at Naruto, giving him a small smile as Naruto vigorously shook his head.

M/n laughed, grabbing a bag and locked his door behind him. "So where are most of the stores for the fruits and stuff, Naruto?" He asked, walking down the streets as Naruto followed.

~to be continued~

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