Chapter 7

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At the Armed Detective Agency Conference Room...

"At present, we have an unidentified criminal organization threatening to detonate a large bomb in a metropolitan area and launch a smear campaign against the Agency," said Kunikida. "I know the Agency's between a rock and a hard place. Tell us more about the bomb," said Yosano. "This is the message left behind by the perpetrator," said Kunikida. "I'll read it."

"'Greetings, I hope your agency's is faring well. Forgive my impudence, but I have placed a bomb capable of causing mass destruction in a certain location here in Yokohama City. To secure the citizens' safety, I request that you locate and disarm the bomb at your earliest convenience. You have until sundown. I have faith in your abilities. Respectfully, the Azure Messenger.'"

"Who would the Azure Messenger be?" the president asked. "We don't know as of yet," said Kunikida. "So it's all rigged so that if the bomb detonates, word of the Agency's failure will spread like wildfire. The Agency can weather sticks and stones, but this type of attack would hit us hard," said Yosano.

"Since yesterday, the office staff have been searching for plausible locations, but there are too many possibilities," said Haruno. "Hey. Are we still unable to reach Rampo-san?" Kenji asked. "It seems the case in Kyuushuu is coming to a head. I've requested he contact us as soon as the criminal is caught, but..."

"Any further information from that taxi driver?" the president asked. "He denies any knowledge of the bomb. He wouldn't have it in him to blow up Yokohama itself," said Kunikida. "Listen, all!" said the president. "This case is a cowardly act using information to attack the Armed Detective Agency. We have two objectives: uncover the Azure Messenger, the instigator, and disarm the bomb. The bomb take priority due to its time-sensitive nature. If we cannot find the bomb and lives are lost, we longer have the right to call ourselves a detective agency. Think of this mission as a fight for the Agency's existence and pride."

Then I realized that Dazai wasn't here. "Where did the blockhead go this time?" I wondered.


Atsushi, Kunikida, and I entered the cafe to see Dazai talking to Sasaki. "Kunikida-kun is a workhorse. After all, he always spends two hours before going to sleep reviewing and revising his notes. I doubt I could stand doing that for two minutes. Maybe he's got some soldier ants working for him in his brain-" Kunikida knocked him out from behind.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here, Kunikida-kun." he groaned. "How could you ditch the meeting during an emergency and go on a fancy afternoon date?" Kunikida asked as we sat down behind Dazai. "Are you jealous of the fancy date?" Dazai asked. "I'm not!" Kunikida said. "She's a victim who was nearly killed. Ensuring her safety and tending to her psychological well-being is an important and urgent duty for the Agency, wouldn't you say?" said Dazai.

"Why are you, the poster child for sloth and irresponsibility, a good for the task?" asked Kunikida. "Besides, given her good looks, I'd assume she has a boyfriend at least." "Apparently, they broke up recently. That's why, Kunikida-kun, I say you can do this!" said Dazai. "Listen, Dazai! I came here because you skipped out on the morning meeting and I need to tell you what's going on," said Kunikida.

"I know what's going on. The goal of the Azure Messenger who set the bomb is to crush the Agency," said Dazai. "Um... Are you sure an outsider like me should be hearing this?" asked Sasaki. "Not really..." said Atsushi. "Sasaki-san's a person of interest in this case. There's no issue here," said Dazai. "What?" I said.

"Sasaki-san, what's the class you teach at the university again?" Dazai asked. "Social psychology," she answered. "That's great. I'd love to hear what you think about this case," he said. "About the Azure Messenger... It may have something to do with the Azure King in the notorious Azure Flag Terrorist incident," she said,

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