Chapter 11

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Present time...

I woke up the next day to find myself in Dazai's arms, who was snoring away. "'No Longer Virgin', my ass..." I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I was feeling extremely sore down there and my neck was covered in bruises and marks. "I'm not going to work today..." Then my phone rang. "Alright, I'm coming..." I grabbed my phone and answered, "Hello?"

"Oh, Vivi-chan. You just woke up?" I rolled over in bed and said, "Yeah... I had... a rough night..." "What did the idiot do now?" I looked at Dazai and answered, "It's hard to explain, Chuuya-kun, but... I lost my virginity to him last night..." Pause. "YOU WHAT???!!!" he exploded. "Sorry ChuChu," I peeped. "He did it... About time," he said.

"Anyways, why did you call me?" I asked. "Oh, right. Have you seen my wallet?" he asked. I frowned. "Wallet?" "Did the bastard take it?" Then my eyes widened. "Just a sec." I got up and rummaged through Dazai's coat pockets and pulled out the wallet from yesterday. I opened it to find Chuuya's ID inside. "Oh no..." I said.

"What? What happened?" he asked. "Well... he might've used your money to buy sake and canned crab, and also paid for our dinner date yesterday..." I said. "THAT BASTARD! I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!!!!! Vivi-chan, meet me at the harbor right now!" Then he hung up. I turned to Dazai who was still sleeping. "Idiot..."


Chuuya was fuming when I gave him back his wallet. "Sorry ChuChu, I didn't know it was your wallet," I said. "He must've swiped it when we were fighting that day," he said and pocketed it. "So, how did he do?" he then asked. "What?" "Was he rough on you?" My face slowly turned red. "Hey, you can't just bust into my privacy like that..." I said.

"Well, judging by the marks on your neck, I guess he was pretty rough on you," said Chuuya. "Eeek!" I cried and covered my neck with my hands. "Anyways, I'll see you around then, Vivi-chan." He patted my head before turning around and walking off.

I returned to the dorm room to find Dazai putting his clothes back on. "Oh, Vivi-chan, where'd you go?" he asked. "I gave Chuuya-kun his wallet back," I said. "So he found out about it already." He walked over to me and planted a kiss on top of my head. "I love you," he said. "Me too, stupid..." I said.


Everyone was staring at us when we entered the room. "Um, Vivi-san, did you get hurt?" Atsushi asked. "Atsushi-kun, you're too innocent for this," said Dazai. "I-Innocent?" I rubbed the back of my neck and blushed a little. "Dazai, Atsushi, come to the infirmary," Yosano said. When the two left, I was sitting at my desk questioning my life.

"Vivi, what did the blockhead do this time?" Kunikida asked. "I wanna jump off a cliff right now..." I groaned. "Kunikida-kun, you should probably know what happened..." Kunukida's face went from confused to realization. "Oh, I know now..." he said and casually looked away. "I wanna kill myself..." I thought.


The Agency decided to relocate to Banko Hall so our enemies wouldn't raid our office again like last time. "Listen, all," our president said as he entered the hall. "The Port Mafia seeks to eradicate the Agency. The Guild seeks to usurp the Agency, We must protect the Agncy from these two foes. Dazai, explain."

"Yes, sir," he said. "The Guild has substantial financial assets, and the Port Mafia has the numerical advantage. So, we will split into defensive and offensive teams and engage in guerrilla tactics. The critical goal for the defense is to protect Yosano-sensei here. With her healing ability, as long as we don't die outright, we will be cured of any injury. The offense will split into two teams, and surprise the enemy using Tanizaki-kun's subterfuge ability and my nullification ability. The crux of this strategy is to keep our base of operations hidden. If our enemies were to hit us here with everything they have, our defense would not hold."

"Only one of the three organizations can survive. Our only course of action is to fight! It'll be a three-way gifted war!" the president announced.

"Does that mean I have to fight against Chuuya-kun?" I thought.

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