Is Perfume Haram For Women? Part III

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In this part I will basically discuss whether alcohol based perfume is forbidden for muslim or not. And how this notation that jinn possess you if you wear perfume during menses is wrong. Let's go


Al-Azhar House of Fatwa issued the following Fatwa:

“In Islam, it is unanimously held that all things are supposed to be deemed pure, and that it is not necessary that all what is declared forbidden is considered impure. This is because impurity is a legal ruling that needs evidence. For example, drugs and fatal poisons are forbidden, yet this by no means qualify them to be impure.

For this reason, some scholars including Rabi'ah, Al-Layth Ibn Sa'd, Al-Muzani (the companion of Ash-Shafi'i) and some other scholars hold that wine is pure regardless of its being unlawful, and that only drinking it is forbidden. However, the majority of jurists are of the view that wine is impure and forbidden.

Thus, we conclude that all that is impure is deemed forbidden, but not vice versa. This is because regarding something as impure is to forbid any physical contact with it, whereas regarding something as unlawful is not necessarily to forbid any contact with it. To illustrate, wearing gold and silk is unlawful (for men), yet they are considered pure by the consensus of scholars and thus can be touched by men.

As far as perfumes containing alcohol is concerned, they consist of many ingredients like water, perfume, and alcohol that comprises the highest percentage. It is known that alcohol is produced from sugarcane by way of distillation. Thus, according to the juristic rule, which states that all things are presumed to be originally pure and that being prohibited does not render something impure, perfumes that contain alcohol are pure, particularly if we bear in mind that they are used for cleaning and perfuming the body. Thus, it is permissible to use these perfumes and there is nothing wrong in that.”

Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, adds:

“It is forbidden to drink alcohol. In the perfumes usually denatured alcohol is used. This alcohol is not unclean (najas). According to some jurists even natural alcohol is notnajas. According to the Shari'ah, there is nothing wrong in using alcohol based perfumes.”

Some scholars are of the view that woman should not wear perfume because jinn will possess them. Umm what? When all their weapons fail, they use this illiteracy. First of all, if you are telling me that a sunnah may harm the women then I don't know what to say anymore. Please don't go to an extreme level to make anything haram when Allah has clearly made it permissible.

It's funny you know, that the greatest man to ever walk this earth was afflicted with an evil eye. It's worthy to note that our Prophet Muhammad pbuh, the most beloved nabi of Allah suffered from evil magic. The wives and female companions of our Prophet Muhammad pbuh were far more weaker than him. Weren't they? They were more prone to the evilness of the world. Yet our Prophet Muhammad pbuh never forbade them from using perfume. Yet there is not a single hadith in which there was any mention of jinn possession by using perfume.

First of all, there is a scholarly difference in opinion whether jinn possession is true or not. Some islamic scholars deemed it as a mental issue while some believe it is true.

So if you are the one who believe that jinn possession is true then you might also believe that jinn gets attracted to scent and hair.( every person will say this). If you really believe that and you are not willing to change your mindset then you will be giving up one of the most loved sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad pbuh. I am a person who strongly believes that anything done by Prophet Muhammad pbuh will never harm anyone. So yes I don't believe in jinn possession due to performing a sunnah that will fetch you great rewards .

Another weak argument thrown by people is that using scent during menses can make your husband get attracted to you and it might lead to acts which is forbidden in islam aka sex during periods. My point is there are ways to satisfy your spouse without actually getting into the act.
Some even went as far as to say that Prophet Muhammad pbuh had forbidden women to dress up and get clean during menses. Bwahaha!

I don't know how they get all this crap and most importantly how people believe all these stupid notations. Allah has given you a body, in that body he has given you a skull, in that skull he has given you a brain ,in that brain he has given you the ability to think and distinguish between right and wrong. For the love of all things sweet, use that sense. Don't become a sheep who has no will of its own and that just follow the crowd.

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