Is Oral Sex Haram ? Part II

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Point of Argument Number-1-Sexual Fluids Are Halal

One of the main arguments found to despise masturbation is that the seminal fluid and the vaginal fluids are najash(Impure) hence oral sex is haram. This argument has no basis and it’s only the personal opinion of these scholars. The truth is that sexual fluids such as semen is pure. In a hadith
"Aa’ishah (rali) who said: I remember scratching it (semen) from the garment of the Messenger of Allah (sal) thoroughly, and then he prayed in it".
(Sahih Muslim)

“The Messenger of Allaah (sal) used to remove maniy from his garment with a twig of Adhkaar (a kind of tree), then pray in that garment, and he would rub it from his garment once it was dry, and would pray in the same garment.”
(Ibn Khuzaymah in his sahih and classed hasan by Albani in Irwa al ghaleel)

These hadiths prove that semen is not impure and the same could be said about the female fluid known as the urethral fluid because the Prophet (sal) said:

Umm Sulaym (rali), who asked the Prophet (sal) about a woman who sees a dream like a man, sees (i.e., an erotic dream). The Messenger of Allaah (sal) said:
“If a woman sees that, she should do ghusl.” Umm Sulaym said: I felt shy when I heard that. She asked, “Is that possible?” The Prophet (sal) said: “How else would the child resemble his father or mother? The water of the man is thick and white, and the water of the woman is thin and yellow. Whichever of the two prevails or comes first decides which parent the child will resemble.”
(Sahih Muslim)

If the woman drinks the semen of the man and the man in case swallows the wife's fluid it won’t be haram to do so because it’s pure. The exception here would be the gushing water like liquid that sprouts out of a women's vagina due to extreme sexual excitement. This fluid is urine hence its haram to swallow this particular liquid. 

The strongest evidence for the permissibility of engaging in oral sex is that Islam is silent on this topic.

The prophet (sal) said:

"Verily Allah has obligated the obligations – so do not neglect them. And He has limited the limits – so do not transgress them. And His silence about things is from His mercy, not forgetfulness, so do not investigate them.”
(Darqutni and Baihaqi- hasan sahih)

Even modern scientific evidence has found that drinking semen is good for your health. The seminal fluid is rich in protein, fructose, vitamin C, and calcium. Research done by the National Health Service and published (Naghma-E-Rehan, Aquiles J. Sobrero, and John W. Fertig. “The Semen of Fertile Men: Statistical Analysis of 1300 Men”. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 31.1 (1976): 52-55. Web. 6 Feb. 2015) claimed that semen may act as an antidepressant when absorbed within the vagina or the mouth and the same study found that exposure to semen is linked to better health in general for individuals.

This clearly proves that Islam won’t forbid something that is good for your health. One ting must be noted is that drinking any of the sexual juices must not be forced and it only should be done on mutual consent and understanding. If not, a condom which is flavored or not can be used.

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