Is Masturbation Haram In Islam ? Part III

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Misquoting Hadith
Some wrongly quote the below hadith trying prove that masturbation is haram.

'Abdullah bin Mas'ood (rali), who said: "We were with some youth not finding anything, so the Messenger of Allah, (sal) said: 'O assembly of youth. Whoever from you is able to get married then let him do so, for it lowers the gaze and protects the privates. And whoever is unable, then it is (on him) to fast, for it is a protection"
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Using this hadith some argue that masturbation is forbidden because the prophet (sal) told the youth who were unable to get married to fast and they say that if masturbation was an alternative, prophet (sal) would have mentioned it. What needs to be understood is that the prophet (sal) never made it an obligation for a Muslim who is unable to get married to fast. Fasting is only a Sunnah and whoever wants to fast can fast and whoever wants not to can definitely not fast as it is not a sin or an obligation. Just because the prophet (sal) did not mention one thing instead for the other does not necessarily mean that it's forbidden. The Sunnah isn't what he didn't instruct his companions to avoid. Trying to derive something as forbidden on what the prophet (sal) didn't instruct cannot be taken as a law in Islam Marriage is a recommended Sunnah and fasting is not an obligation.
The most important thing to be understood when knowing and understanding a verse in the Quran or Hadith is that you cannot give your wording and meaning to it. This was the methodology of the Salafus Saliheen. Deviants like the Mutazila and Asharia who went astray were the ones who interpreted verses in the Quran according to their own opinions and ending up twisting the meaning. A particular verse must be understand using all the other supporting verses and hadith and according to the understanding of the the sahabah. For an example, explaining what the major sins known as "Kabair", The Quran says:

"Those who avoid great sins and Al-Fawahish (immoral sins) except Al-Lamam (minor sins) verily, your Lord is of vast forgiveness."
​ (Al Quran-53-32)

The Kabair or major sins such as backbiting, adultery, fornication, murder and the evidence for them to be major sins are explained elsewhere in the Quran and several authentic hadiths. Now, if someone comes and argues that kissing a child is a major sin by quoting the above verse, will not make it a major sin because, there is no mention in the Quran or hadith stating so. Similarly, if someone is arguing that the verses 5, 6 and 7 of chapter 23 in the Quran speak about masturbation; will not prove that masturbation is haram because Islam is silent on this topic. Another example is in the verse in Surah Ahzab mentioned below:

"O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft­ Forgiving, Most Merciful"
(Al Quran-33:59)

The meaning of this verse" draw their cloaks all over their bodies" has been falsely misinterpreted to mean that the entire body of a woman has to be covered. But, by understanding the above verse using the Quran and the authentic hadiths, and the explanation of the companions of the prophet (Sal), it is quite clear, that the true meaning for the verse "draw their cloaks all over their bodies" is to cover the body except for the face,hands and the feet. There are so many other examples available and all them prove that the verse 5. 6. And 7 in chapter 23 has been wrongly interpreted.

Using Wrong Fatwas to Forbid Masturbation

Some are famous for quoting the fatwas scholars like Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah, Sheikh Uthaymin, Sheikh Bin Baz, Sheik Naseeruddin Albani and others to prove that masturbation is haram. This blind following of scholars is also one reason why there is widespread arrogance to accept the proven fact that masturbation is not haram in Islam. My clear cut answer to them is that these respectable Imams are human beings and had made a mistake on the topic of masturbation. A scholar among the sahaba, Ibn Abbas (rali) allowed masturbation in a narration where he said:

"It's better than committing Zina".
(Musannaf of Abdurrazzaq no-13590)

Ibn Abbas being a Tafseer scholar clearly knew that there is no evidence to prove that masturbation and never quoted the verses in Surah Muhminoon (Chapter 23) to the young man to practice masturbation as it would protect him from committing zina. According to the Shariah, it is clear that no scholar who came after the sahabah is greater than them and there is no evidence for any sahaba criticizing ibn Abbas's fatwa. Furthermore, there are authentic hadiths indicating Jabir (rali) too allowing masturbation. In a hadith narrated by Aisha (rali), Jabir (rali) said:

"The person who gets discharge after casting a look should complete his fast (without breaking it)."

In this hadith, Jabir (rali) never criticized the person getting a discharge while masturbating but rather said that he should continue fasting without breaking it.

It is clear from the understanding of the companions of the prophet (Sal), masturbation is not haram. The sahaba were the best of this Ummah and there is clear evidence to prove that we should stick to the sahaba's understanding ,as well as to the Tabioon and tab at tabeen, who are the Salafus Saliheen (the righteous generation)

All the imams who came afterwards and held the opinion that masturbation is haram has erred. Their argument does not hold water. There are scholars among the salaf who made masturbation permissible and some of them are, Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, Tawus Ibn Kaysan, Imam Ibn Hazm and Imam Shawkani. The above evidence clearly proves and invalidates all the false arguments which are against masturbation. Masturbation is halal for both men and women. There is no restriction whatsoever for masturbation and anyone can engage in masturbation the way they want whether it's with their hands, using sex toys such as vibrators, dildos, artificial vaginas or if it is by any other means.

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