Beacon Hills, California☑️

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It was a Friday and Stiles was falling asleep in his class. He was just dozing off when the door burst open and he jerked forward, smacking his head on the desk as it slipped from its resting place on his arm.

The student receptionist, who came in, passed a note to the impatiently waiting teacher. She read it briefly before looking up at the class and scanning her eyes across the room.

"Stiles." She held the note out towards him and he huffed as he stood, his muscles protesting the movement and made his way to the front to receive the note.

He read it quickly and understood what it was likely about:

Stiles Stilinski.
To come to Principals office, 3rd period.

He quickly grabbed his bag and headed off. He arrived outside the office after a few minutes and went over to the waiting chairs.

The door opened a few minutes later and Principal Martin gestured for him to enter.

He followed her over to the desk and sat in the chair on the opposite side to the Principal.

Mrs.Martin steepled her fingers and leant forward as she addressed him.

"Stiles, we need to discuss your schedule for the coming weeks, among other things."

Stiles nodded in understanding.

"Now, it is my understanding that you need to take the exams for your chosen subjects soon due to the upcoming exams with your accelerated programme at Princeton. Well done by the way."

Stiles smiled at Mrs.Martin, he had always enjoyed speaking with her- even if it was when he was being forced into seeing her, as the school counsellor.

"Thanks. Just a little longer and I'll be graduated and finished with both."

She smiled in understanding of his relief, "Now, back down to business. Can I see your timetable for your already set exams with their board?" Stiles reached into his bag and pulled out a slip of paper, which he handed across for her to read. On it were his exam times for Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

After reading the slip and looking at a desktop calendar on her computer, she turned back to him and smiled.

"If you're up for it, we could have all of the exams for your chosen and required electives carried out over the next 3 weeks?" She looked at him over the thin frames perched on the bridge of her nose, for reading.

Stiles thought about it for a moment, "Well, it's the 5th of February today and my first Princeton exam is on the 1st of March... yep! Let's do it. The next three weeks? Could I have the day before i head up to Princeton off for study and to get ready to travel up in the evening?"

Mrs.Martin nodded in agreement as she typed into the system, "Okay, you're on the system for home study on that day and you have the two weeks of your Princeton exams listed as study leave and alternative education. That good?"

Stiles nodded in assent to the plan.

"Now, we need our invigilator to come up here and help with setting your exam schedule." She quickly dialled one of the, internal, school phone lines and spoke briefly with the person on the other end before hanging up and informing Stiles that the invigilator would be up in a few minutes.

A knock at the door halted their idle conversation and after Mrs.Martin called for the person to enter, Mr.Yukimura walked into the office.

He smiled at Stiles as he sat in the seat beside him.

"What can I do for you Principal Martin?" He was polite as he spoke and carefully set his briefcase down beside his chair, at his feet.

Mrs.Martin gestured at Stiles as she spoke, "Mr.Stilinski here needs to take all of his advanced mathematics, English, social studies and science exams within the next 2 to 3 weeks and we need your help as both a liaison to the exam board and your personal skills as an invigilator to plan out his exam schedule."

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