Everyone [Pack Meeting]☑️

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(Still 31st March)

Scott moved around to the driver's side door and Stiles rolled down the window, glaring.

"What the hell Scott?! I almost hit you!"

Scott shook his head and moved around the car, climbing into the passenger's side.

He looked across at Stiles and frowned.

"You know more than you're telling us. Than you're telling the pack. As the alpha, I need to know why there were so many police at the school today."

Scott looked at him, the pleading puppy eyes slowly emerging and Stiles sighed agitatedly.

"Call the pack. This involves everyone."

Scott looked at him closely for a minute, while he put Roscoe into gear and began driving again, before nodding and pulling out his phone to send a pack wide message. Telling them to get to the loft for an emergency meeting.


Stiles pulled up outside Derek's loft and frowned when he saw all the cars that had already arrived before them, he didn't see Peter's.

They made their way inside, Scott taking the stairs while Stiles opted for the lift, as usual.

Scott and Stiles, for once, arrived at Derek's floor at about the same time.

The alpha pushed ahead and walked straight into Derek's loft, not bothering to knock.

Stiles walked in behind him and went over to the "planning table", as he called it, leaning there comfortably.

Scott let his eyes roam over everyone and nodded to himself before speaking, "Alright! Everyone's here, what's this about mum?" He asked Melissa, who had also called for the pack meeting.

Stiles glared and everyone went silent, even Melissa, who had been the first to notice Stiles' reaction to Scott's words.

"Everyone is not here and I'm beginning to think that you're intentionally excluding one of your largest sources of reliable information."

Scott's eyes widened at Stiles' tone and he looked over to Allison who was just going to ask her dad to call Peter.

Stiles sighed as he watched them, his anger fading to a low hum in the back of his mind, and held up a hand to stop them all.

"What time is it?" He asked and looked around the room expectantly. He would check his phone, but one of them had set the clock forward as a joke and he hadn't yet figured out how to fix it. Though he figured it was about 34-35 minutes out of sync.

Aidan answered, "It's 5:27", his voice laced with his confusion at Stiles' question.

Stiles ignored it for now and opened his phone, loading up Peter's calendar. He had connected it into his own, so that he could keep up with when his mate was busy.

Stiles scrolled through and found the correct date, seeing that Peter was scheduled to be in a meeting for another ten minutes.

"Alright. So, we'll have to wait before we can call Peter. He'll be in a meeting until about 5:40." Stiles informed them.

Lydia laughed obnoxiously, causing Stiles and several others to look her way.

"How do you even have his schedule?" She raised an interrogatory, perfectly sculpted brow.

Stiles grinned unapologetically.

"I try to keep up with all of you. I have all of your lesson schedules. I have Liam and Isaac's phones on GPS. Same for Peter, I have him on GPS as well, course he knows about it and agreed. I have his schedule for meetings and work. I have my dad's hours and Melissa's schedule updates regularly. I also have a rough idea for Mr.Yukimura and Principal Martin. Best to always be prepared."

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