Princeton Pack [Meet and Greets]☑️

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Stiles spent the day of his departure, for Princeton, fawning over his pups and mate. He had gone through a light study session early on in the day before being smoothly pulled into a giant puppy pile. Peter and Stiles on the bottom with Isaac, Liam and a reluctant Chris, on top.

They had laid on the cushion covered floor of the lounge, for what seemed like hours, just rubbing wrist glands and dousing Chris in the scent of pack.

In the few days since Chris had found out about everything, he had been convinced to spend a lot of time in their pack house and had been officially claimed and scented as part of the Stilinski-Hale pack.

He took on more of a caregiver role towards the pups, as one of the older members of the pack. He was, however, treated like a young beta member due to him being the most recent member of the pack.

There had been crocodile tears and watery smiles from the pack, as Peter and Stiles went and loaded his stuff into his jeep.

The others had pretended to be looking elsewhere as the two mates kissed goodbye and hugged, dreading their separation for the next couple of weeks.

As Stiles drove down the driveway, he looked in the rearview mirror and saw all of the pack waving, Peter smiling encouragingly.

He honked his horn twice and shouted, "Be back soon!" Out the window of his jeep, knowing that his wolves would hear and tell Chris what he said.

Princeton(Time Skip)

Stiles walked around the campus aimlessly, taking in the statues of Princeton Scholars and the beautiful wildflowers all around the footpaths. He had already finished his tests for the week, one just that morning. All he had left to do was his Chemistry, which was on Monday and Tuesday the next week.

He was just walking past the front of the main building when he caught a familiar scent.


He looked around curiously, faintly sniffing the air as he turned. He saw as a petite girl disappeared around the corner of the building and into a more private area- connected to the forest.

His curiosity piqued, he followed her around the building and off the campus. He hung back slightly when he smelt others, maybe 3 or 4.

He could tell that he was now on another packs territory and so he tread lightly- both figuratively and literally.

He heard some voices up ahead and ducked in behind a tree so that he wouldn't be spotted. The only reason they hadn't smelt him yet was because the breeze was blowing towards him and not them.

The noise was slightly louder, now that he focused, clear voices, and he faintly remembered a pack that Peter had told him about.

Peter called it the Princeton Pack, he had told Stiles how the only people to visit him at hospital before him were the Alpha and his Luna of the Princeton pack. He had told Stiles about them being old allies of the Hale pack- the only allies that had tried to help after the fire. He had mentioned vaguely remembering them visiting and a couple of the sentences of their conversation about helping to rebuild and contributing to his medical bills, but it was just after the fire and he was still a bit groggy at the time. Stiles wasn't 100% sure, but he was pretty close to it, that the Princeton Alpha and Luna's names were Josh and Natalie.

With his mind made up, Stiles stepped out from his hiding place behind the trees and moved in the direction of the voices.

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