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“Mark Fischback! You get your ass down here right now!” I yell at the top of my lungs, slamming the front door open at the same time. Mark was supposed to pick me up at the airport an hour ago but he never showed up. I’m sure he probably got caught up in recording a video for his channel. I had texted and called him multiple times but I never got a reply back. At times, being a Youtuber’s friend can be frustrating. With a sigh I turned to go back outside and start the arduous task of bringing my bags in. Before I can put even a foot out the door, I hear a loud thunk from upstairs and then barking.

A door slowly opens and the barking gets significantly louder. I chuckle as a fluffy golden retriever runs down the stairs, straight at me, tail wagging a mile a minute.

“CHICA!!! How is the beautiful fluffy puppers?” I coo as I kneel down so I can give her all the love she deserves. This is my first time ever meeting her but Mark was always sending me pics and videos of her. So, I’m pretty excited to get to love on her.

“Sorry Bri. I... um...lost track of time.” Mark’s guilty voice comes from the stairs.

I look up and glare at him as he walks over to me. He scratches the back of his head as he gives me a sheepish grin. ” You’re lucky that Chica is sooo adorable. Otherwise you would be in so much trouble! All you had to do was say you got held up. I would have understood, you ass!!” I huff at him and go to grab my bags.

“So, are you saying I’m not adorable?” he gives me a fake pout as he throws his arm around my shoulder.” Not when you leave me hanging at the airport with not even a call.” I laugh as I hip bump him causing him to stumble. I never could stay mad at him for long. His antics made me laugh too much for that.
“Well since I’m off to such a bad start as a host. I’ll get your bags. “He grabs my two suitcases while I grab the smaller duffel bag.

Mark and I have been best friends since we were kids. We were neighbors when he lived in Ohio and became inseparable. We stayed super close until he moved to LA and I stayed in Ohio. We texted and video chatted all the time but it was never the same as being in person. When my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me, I was absolutely devastated.

We were a month away from getting married. I had come home from work and realized all his stuff was gone. No note. Nothing. I locked myself in my apartment for over a week and just layed in bed. I didn’t eat. I barely slept. I cut contact with everyone. I was numb to everything and I did nothing to stop myself from spiraling faster and faster down into the abyss of nothingness.

I guess Mark and his girlfriend, Amy got worried because the next thing I know, Mark is banging on my door early one morning hollering at me to open my damn door. I’m not sure who was more shocked. Me, at their sudden appearance or them, at my disastrous looks.

Two hours later and I’ve had my first shower and meal in who knows how long. They sat with me and let me cry on their shoulder for as long as I needed. Well Amy did. Mark just sat on the couch looking super uncomfortable and trying super hard to cheer me up. After a while Mark’s joking nature started to cheer me up and Amy joined in, talking about all the antics their friends had gotten up to. It was almost midnight when I finally had them convinced that I was feeling tons better. Before they left Amy had managed to get a promise out of me that I would come to LA and stay for an undefined amount of time.
I was hoping I could get away with only a few days but Amy wouldn’t hear anything of it and told me to pack for at least two weeks. Guess I really worried them if they wanted to keep me for that long. That was the reason why one short month later, I was hauling my things into their house.

I follow Mark upstairs to the guest bedroom and threw my bag on the bed. Next thing I know Mark has me in a giant hug. I tense at first but quickly relax into it. ” I’m so glad you came Bri. I’ve been worried about you. I was afraid you might bail on me last minute.” His voice is thick with emotions as he puts his chin on my head.
I shrug as I fight not to cry. ” I thought about it a million times but in the end, I knew it would do me some good. Plus, I just plain missed you. Your videos just don’t do the real you justice.” I pull myself out of the hug and look around as I realize someone is missing. “Where is Amy at? I thought she was gonna be here.”
“Oh, she went on a girl’s trip with Sean’s girlfriend. They wanted some time to bond over girl things. They didn’t say how long they would be gone but I’m sure they’ll be back before you leave. “He gives me a mischievous grin. “That means you’re stuck with me for who knows how long.”
I start laughing like a maniac as I think of all the pranks, I can pull on Mark without retribution from both of them. “OH no. That means you’ll be stuck with ME. Now what’s a girl gotta do to get some food around this joint?” I rub my hands together and lick my lips as I think about eating real food.
He grumbles jokingly about not signing up to be my personal chef as he makes his way to the kitchen. I’m just about to follow when I notice a weird, flickering shadow flit across the doorframe. I look around the room to see what might have caused it but don’t see anything.

I must be really tired; I think as I shake my head and continue on my way to the kitchen.

“Here’s the thing. I’ve been so busy trying to get videos done, so I can spend time with you, that I forgot to make a trip to the store. I’ve got stuff to make sandwiches or we can order out?“ He is definitely not guilty as he tells me this. I’m pretty sure he is using me as an excuse to get fast food by the smile on his face.
“Damn Mark. You act like I showed up out of the blue instead of planning this visit for a month. Sandwiches will be just fine with me.” I laugh as I push past him towards the fridge. Mark is helping me get all the stuff together when there is a knock at the door. Chica instantly starts barking and makes a beeline for the door. Mark looks at me very quickly with a super not guilty look. The look on his face has me instantly on guard.
“Bri, please don’t be mad but I might have told Sean that you are gonna be staying with me and that you are a huge fan of his. I talk about you all the time to him and he wanted to meet you. His girlfriend is on that trip with Amy so he is also gonna be staying here for a bit.” That shithead was dead. His fans are going to be so pissed cause I am about to murder this man.
I don’t know how my body did it but it felt like all the blood in my face went straight to my cheeks. I’m a very shy person when it comes to anyone that might even be remotely famous. My anxiety goes into overdrive especially since I might have a small celebrity crush on the Youtuber known as Jacksepticeye.
“YOU FUCKING DID WHAT?!?!” I’m sure if my voice was an octave higher, I could have shattered glass. Mark is laughing his ass off at my reaction and starts walking towards the door. “DON’T YOU DARE OPEN THAT FUCKING DOOR!” I shriek in absolute panic.

That asshat is laughing so hard at this point that he has to lean against the wall to steady himself. Sean is apparently tired of waiting for Mark and decides to let himself in. ”OI! Ya gobshyte going ta let me stand outside all day?” Sean makes eye contact with me as he says this before an unopened loaf of bread hits him directly in the face.
In my panic my fight instincts kicked in and I threw the 1st thing my hands came across. Luckily for Sean it just happened to be bread. Then my flight instincts kick in. I give a horrified shriek and I hightail it into my room with Mark’s laughter following me the entire way. I close the door shut and rip the blanket off the bed. I then proceed to go to the closet, open the door, wrap the blanket around me and hide in the closet with the door shut.

    I will become one with the Darkness if it’s the last thing I do.

I’m only in the closet for about 10 minutes before Mark finds me. I’m no longer freaking out but now the embarrassment is kicking into overdrive. ” I live in this closet now. I can never leave. It is my home.” I groan into the blanket.
  “That was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. My only regret is that I wasn’t recording it.” He chuckles as he pulls the blanket off my head. “You planning on hiding in here forever? I mean, it wasn’t as bad as the time you met Daniel Cudmore.” I groan even harder before I look up at him. “The difference between then and now is that Daniel didn’t get A FACE FULL OF BREAD! This is the most embarrassing thing ever. I can never face him now. I hate you so much right now. This entire thing is your fault.” I can only facepalm as my cheeks start heating up again. Mark chuckles as he shakes his head.
  He briefly glances at the doorway and then back at me. He flops onto the floor just outside the closet door. “Sean thought it was funny...Well once he got over the shock that is. Come onnnnn. He came all this way from Ireland just to meet one of my best friends. He can’t do that if you hide away in here. He’s just a regular dude that also happens to be a Youtuber. You’ll never get over that weird celebrity shyness you have if you don’t talk to him.” he starts trying to yank the blanket off me.
“Ugh. Why do you have to bring logic into this? I can’t help it if my stupid brain has to spazz out. Give me a few minutes to gather my courage. If I’m not downstairs in 15 minutes then you can come get me like the barbarian you are.” I laugh and try to yank the blanket back.
“You are such a chicken shit, I swear.” He smiles and stands up. Before I can do anything else, he yanks the blanket super hard. It jerks me partially out of the closet and I fall out, laying on my side. There is a familiar laugh close to the bedroom door that is neither mine or Mark’s. I immediately tense up and look at the doorway. Those blue eyes are the first thing I see. I don’t notice many other details except that cute Irish boi smile. Then I realize that Sean is standing in the doorway. Looking at me. I dive back into the closet while simultaneously yanking the blanket back in with me. I slam the closet door shut and not even a second later Sean and Mark are laughing hysterically.
Yuck it up you assholes. I don’t respond as I am now busy with trying to make the floor more comfortable with the blanket. ” You have to come out eventually Bri. You can’t stay in there all day.” His voice gets farther away as he talks.
“I just need some time! Go play some video games or whatever shit you guys do together!!! I yell back at him.

There was no way in hell I was ever leaving this closet while Sean was here. I guess it’s a good thing my phone is fully charged cause I’m going to need something to do in here. I get on YouTube and start watching my Darkiplier/Antisepticeye playlist.
I love Mark like a brother and would never be able to think of him any other way but when he made that first video going full Darkiplier…. I wasn’t able to FaceTime him for two weeks because I would instantly think of Dark and start blushing. The first time I saw Anti’s full appearance I completely fangirled. I must have watched the video on repeat a million times. What can I say? I love my bad boys.
I’m not sure how long I stay in the closet watching the videos but I feel myself start to get tired. I’m fighting sleep and losing badly. I’m just about to conk out when I feel a hand gently caress my cheek.

“You’ll do just fine.” a voice whispers to me as I fall unconscious.

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