Chapter 8: Sleep

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CIA Academy of Espionage

Washington, DC

Souers Dormitory

December 17th, 2015

2305 hours

Erica POV

I thought nothing could surprise me anymore.

I was surprised when I found out that Joshua was alive. I was surprised when my father had a hint of competence, being an exceptional helicopter pilot. I was surprised when he redeemed himself over time, both as an agent and a father, making me proud to call him "Dad" again. I was surprised when Ben managed to figure out that my dad used to be a fraud all those years ago.

Ben Ripley... a real interesting case, this guy.

Apparently, he was attracted to me. I was used to it, having been hit on before. What was interesting was that he persisted despite my rebuffs, especially since we ended up working together quite a bit. He kept trying to thaw me out... and got further than anyone, even Mom.

He used to be a complete nerd, with Level 16 Math Skills and some other basic analyst-grade skills. However, after going through missions and focusing more on training recently, he'd become one heck of an operative-in-training. Now, he was pretty good with firearms and hand-to-hand/melee weapons combat, somehow upgraded to Level 17 Math Skills, and improved his cryptography, communication, long-distance marksmanship, deception, and of course, "Scooby-Doo skills."

No, I did not come up with the term "Scooby-Doo skills." That would be Zoe, Mike, Chip, and Jawa. I call it what it is: problem-solving and plan realization.  In other words, every time he figured out the enemy's plans.

This is actually another surprise that could be added to my list. He had unquestionably become the best future operative in the school after me.

He was at the same skill level as Dad. Like I said, Dad's gotten more competent, and while he's still the lowest-ranking Hale in skill, he has managed to occasionally beat me and Mom when we had marksmanship and hand-to-hand/melee weapons combat competitions for training.

Scratch that, the only reason he ever managed to beat Mom was when he seduced her with his charms, making her get flustered and lose her focus. Apparently, he always had this effect on her. I would end up yelling at them to get a room when I was still around. Objectively speaking though, Dad was always good at seduction. Ben, like Dad, has managed to beat me a couple of times in marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat, albeit not reliably.

It's no wonder that I like him.

Yep, I said it. I like Ben Ripley. It's damn near impossible not to! He's trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful, brave (AN - Fun fact: all eight character traits are part of the Scout Law from the Boy Scouts of America; I'm an Eagle Scout), caring, adorable... Anyway, I do like him. I'm not exactly sure how though... as a friend or by what Mom, Dad, and everyone else keep saying? Something to do with boats?

Went off on a tangent there. Back to surprises.

Sometimes I like to look at the moon at night. A full moon was out, and it was a beautiful sight. When I was about to close my window, I saw a figure sprinting towards the Nathan Hale Administration Building. I looked closer to see... WHAT THE?!? DAD?!?

'What in the world is Dad doing?' I thought. I looked towards where he was running from... at that moment, I realized that the building was Armistead Dormitory, Ben's dorm building. 'What is going on?'

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