Chapter 4

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"Not wild dogs then what is it?" Lara's voice sounded tinny when coming from the speaker of the phone. "It looks more like a werewolf attack."

He ran his hand through his hair when he heard her sharp intake of breath. Even though it seemed like a good idea leaving her at the bunker he wished that she had come with them so he wouldn't have had to tell her over the phone what had killed her best friend. "I'll find the bastard who did this to her and kill it; I promise."

"I know you will?" He could hear her moving around the room through the phone speaker opening drawers, "have you spoken to her parents yet?" She asked,

"Sammy and I are on our way to theirs now." Pulling open the glove compartment Sammy took out the FBI badges.

"I'll get Cas to zap me over, I would rather be there when you tell them; they are like family to me." Dean ran his hand over his face;

"Ok, Lara." He hung up the phone and turned to look at Sammy, "She is on her way; she wants to be with us when we break the news to Tammy's parents." Both of them jumped when in the back seat of the Impala both Lara and Cas appear. Lara looked so fragile and pale that before he knows what he was doing he reached over and placed a hand on her small one, "its ok Lara we are here for you?" Nodding she looked out the window.


I didn't know what to expect from angel express travel but traveling from Lebanon to Sioux Falls left me feeling slightly disoriented and quite queasy to the stomach. I let my eyes wander over the scenery as it passed us willing my stomach to settle down so I wouldn't throw up in Dean's car. Cas' hand found mine and gave it a squeeze which caused me to look into his blue eyes. He placed two fingers in my forehead which made the queasy feeling disappear. Smiling I tightened my hold on his hand and kept looking out of the window.

In no time at all, we had pulled up to the Reynolds home, where children's toys were strewn across the manicured lawn. I took a deep breath as I realized that while I have changed, everything else appeared the same; from the slightly bent mailbox where Tammy and I had accidentally run into it when I was first driving. Well, I reversed out of her drive without actually looking where I was going. Boy did we get some shit from that from both her parents and Bobby? Smiling faintly, I opened the door when the car jerked to a stop and took a deep breath of air. I waited while Dean, Sam and Cas exit the car before following them up to the drive to the front door. I stopped Dean's hand before he knocked on the door,

"Let me do it." Before he can protest, I knocked on the door.


I heard light footsteps approaching before Tammy's mother opened up the door. She blinked at me before recognition lit up her grey eyes,

"Lara? What are you doing here?" I watched as the light disappeared from her eyes when she saw my brothers and Cas behind me in FBI style suits. "Gentlemen." Sammy held up his badge,

"Ma'am I am Agent Dempsey; these are Agent Harris and Arthur. We need to speak to you in regards to your daughter Tammy." Her eyes filled with grief as she looked at the three of us. Suddenly she looked younger than her 45 years, almost the spitting image of Tammy.

"Oh, please come on in." She held tight onto my arm and led me into the modern style living room where Tammy's father was sat reading a book; I could see the book title said supernatural and smiled inwardly to myself. I recognized these books they actually lined one of the shelves in my room at Bobby's.

I thought they were purely pieces of fiction but Bobby eventually told me they were less commonly known as the Winchester chronicles and had been written by a prophet to document the Winchester's lives.

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