Chapter 9 (trigger warning)

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As he moved through the door to the warehouse, he wished that Dean had his back. He knew Garth and Beth but the Reynolds were not the type of people he usually hunted with. They were always on edge and he felt that they would sooner stab him in the back than help him however, Lara needed training and Cadi was too close to her due date for Dean to leave them so he had to trust them to some degree.

Even though he could have stayed and left this to them, he didn't want the Reynolds letting their emotions get the better of them and then getting themselves killed in the line of duty. As he grabbed his shotgun, he walked slowly into the long shadows that seemed to fill up the room, his nose scrunched up against the smell of wet dogs and musk that penetrated the still air. Garth tapped him on the shoulder and moved to the left of the room while Beth moved to the right. Tim and Cassie took the back where they kept an eye out for any werewolves that decided to try and sneak up behind them. Suddenly they heard howls echo around them from human throats and realised that it was not one or two rogue wolves it was a whole pack of them.

"Oh my god." Beth said to no one in particular, "how could we have missed all these rogues in our territory." Snarling she turned and grappled with a man who had leapt on top of her. As he turned to shoot Garth came sweeping passed him to pull the man off his wife. Time seems to stand still as the alphas of this pureblood pack fought these new wolves; throwing them into walls, doors and machinery.

Within minutes Beth and Garth had dispatched all but one of the downed wolves by twisting their heads in a 360-degree turn.

Tim came and stood next to Sam; his shot gun pointed directly at Garth who was standing in front of Beth from this new threat.

"Tim what are you doing?" Sam asked him as he put himself in front of his friends,

"They are could you bring us to fight with howlers." With his gun pulled out he pointed it at Tim,

"Back off Tim, these are my friends and allies. If you shoot them then my brother and I will hunt you both down and finish you off." As he looked at him in disgust Tim Spat in Sam's face then turned away to grab his wife by the arm and pulled her out the door.

"Disgusting, werewolf loving, piece of shit." He spat as he exited the room. Ignoring them Sam turned to look at Garth and Beth,

"Did we get them all?" He asked although his gun was still at the ready,

"We got all the ones here; if there are any more, they ran before we could catch them." Garth put an arm around his wife and led her to the one man they didn't kill, who was laid on the floor with his legs broken in several places that kept him from moving.

"Are there any more of you?" Beth said as he grabbed him by the scruff off the neck like a mother wolf would do to her pup, "Either you tell us now or we will torture you slowly until you finally tell us."

"A quick death or a slow, painful death? The choice is yours." Garth said before stamping his foot hard on the man's broken leg with caused him to scream in agony.

"I'll tell you anything just stop this pain." He said in a whisper, "You missed out leader; he has a thing for your little bird." Looking straight at Sam he grinned manically, "Has your little bird learned to fly yet? I saw her try and fail; we thought that fall would kill her but she just keeps on ticking...maybe she is a cat with nine lives. She is sweet and so tender looking; not even your angel will be able to protect her. I'm just sorry I won't get a chance to try her myself" Suddenly he grabbed the gun from Garth's ankle holster and shot himself in the head. Garth looked up at Sam as his lips formed an oh sound,

"I'm sorry Sam I forgot the gun was there." He said bashfully. Sam shook his head and turned his back on the pair,

"I need to get back to the bunker...I'll talk to you later." He stopped and peered at them over his shoulder, "If you hear anything about the Alpha of this pack; let me know." Before they could even nod, he was out of the door.

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