Chapter 7

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I decided to go back to bed as I thought I had about two hours sleep last night. But I couldn't settle. After tossing and turning for a while I got up and headed over to my bag and pulled the little leather case that was in there out.

Opening it up I saw the shiny razors that were sitting in the velvet box. Once upon a time these were my answer to everything, the feel of cutting myself made me feel better.

That was until my mother passed away and I thought I was going to die from a broken heart. It was also around the time that I found out my boyfriend had cheated on me with a girl I had befriended and bought into our little group. Depression will make you do stupid things and I remembered holding the blades, cutting at my arms. It wasn't enough so I used them on my wrists. It was Tammy who found me and called the ambulance, Uncle Bobby was away on a hunt with the Winchester's. She helped me through the rough times and kept me going.

I picked up the blade and stared at the sharpened point, one little cut wouldn't hurt right? I felt like there were things running up and down my arms and I wanted to just cut at them until the feeling went away. I laid the blade against my arm and stopped. My life had been turned upside down but I had brothers, sisters and a niece who needed me now and a chance with a handsome man. If I did this, I'd be throwing it all away.

Sighing I placed the blade back in the box and put it on top of the case. I needed to move because I felt like a trapped gazelle as I waited for the predator to attack; that dream had unsettled me so much. I couldn't talk about it to anyone...well maybe Cas but he was looking after Lacey and Deana, also now probably Arcadia.

Opening up the door to my room I made my way to the training room Dean showed me the other day where I found a cabinet full of different blades weapons. Oh, goody maybe if I slipped, I'd cut off a limb. That would make me forget about everything that had happened the last couple of days.

Looking around the room I sighed in aggravation; it's no good I needed to run as far as my feet would take me. Once I ran back to my room, I put on my softest pair of running pants, my trainers and picked up my phone. Gathering my gear, I headed back into the atrium and quickly ran up the stairs. Quietly I opened the door and breathed in the heavily perfumed air around the bunker.

Looking at the road ahead I did some stretches before I popped in my ear buds and blasted my music loud. It would just be me, the road and Iron maiden as it blared in my ear.


After what seems like 20 minutes I sped along the steep sided road as fast as my legs could carry me, "6...6...6 the number of the beast..." the music kept me company while the killer guitar riffs and drum beats set my pace...I felt free and wished I could run forever and never look back.

"Why don't you?" The voice whispered in my head, "no one would care. You hardly know your brothers and Cas well he is no good for you, you heard what Dean and Sam said, nothing good would ever come from your joining." The voice in my head kept cajoling and mocking me which making me lose concentration as to where I ran... "go on little bird keep running, don't stop? Can my little bird fly?" Suddenly I tripped and found myself flying through the air over the side of the road...I tried to scream but as I hit the ground hard, I blacked out.


"Cas we're back?" Dean yelled from the doorway, "Did Cadi come home as the door up here was unlocked?" As he walked down the stairs, he saw Cadi as she came out of their room; her sleep tussled hair curled around her face,

"Hey I definitely locked it when I came in at least I think I did, with this baby brain you never know. So, I met your sister and I have to say I can tell you are related, she has the same sarcastic edge that you had when we first met." He kissed her on the cheek before he knelt in front of her stomach to kiss the movement under her clothes,

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