Chapter 10 (trigger warning)

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As Sam entered the bunker, he could hear Lacey singing to Deana down the corridor. Deana had been so fussy lately but Lacey said it was because she was teething. Smiling he placed his bag on the Map table so he could go and relieve Lacey but as his bag landed on the table a piece of paper fluttered to the floor.

Picking it up he sees his name, Deans and Cas' on the page in Lara's handwriting...maybe she decided to forgive them after all. Sitting down he opened up the note and his face froze...jumping up off the chair causing it to fall to the floor in a resounding crash he ran to Lara's room.

Banging on the door he started yelling through the wood as Dean came out of his room with his gun held up,


" up!" He tried the door handle but he could tell the door was locked from the inside, "Lara open up"

"Sam, Dean what's happening?" Cas asked as he walked down the corridor, then his features froze as he realises, he could not feel Lara. "Dean I can't feel Lara." He said as he leaned against the wall, "She has blocked me."

"Sammy what is going on?" Dean said as he watched Sammy try to shoulder the door open, between each bang of the door he handed the note to Dean and saw the colour drain from his face. "Stand back!" He said before shooting at the lock on the door.

Before he can even enter Sam ran into the room so Dean followed behind with him his gun raised. Dropping his weapon, he saw Sam as he pulled at someone on the bed, tearing strips from his shirt and tied them around limp wrists,

"Cas get in here!" He said while tears rolled down his face at the scene before him. There was blood all over the floor, pooling beside the bed while Lara was laying there looking fragile and pale.

"Dean I can't, she has blocked me." Looking around he noticed the sigils on the wall, quickly he took Lara from Sam's arms and carried her out into the corridor where Cas was waiting before he knelt on the floor where Cas had slid down the wall in despair.

"Is it too late Cas?" He asked as he gripped her night shirt in his fists, "Tell me it isn't too late." Cas knelt beside her while tears rolled down his face and breathed a sigh of relief as the healing light came from his hands. Although she was close to death there was still a spark there that he could grab onto. As Lara takes a deep breath he looked up and noticed tears in the eyes of her brothers. Once she was breathing Dean and Sam both grabbed her and held her tight, their tears soaking into her night shirt.

"Lara, why did you do that?" He asked her with his hand rested against her cheek,

"Why did you save me Cas?" She asked him her eyes glared accusations at him just before her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out.

"Cas why did she pass out?" Sam says to him, "I thought you healed her?" Cas ran his hands down her arms,

"I healed the wounds but I used a lot of my gift up healing her broken body earlier; so, while I stopped the blood from leaving her body...she still is suffering with blood loss." He looked at the boys before him, "for once human science will need to save her. She needs a blood transfusion."

"I'll do it." Dean said his voice rough with emotion as he put his hand up to quieten Sam who started to protest, "I'm the oldest and I should've seen this coming." He looked at Cas, "Will my blood work?" Cas laid his hand on Lara and Deans arms then on Sam's before nodding,

"Yes, you have the same blood will work. But Dean you and Sam will need to do this now; she has lost a lot of blood." Dean looked at Sam,

"Sam can you go and see if the men of letters had anything for blood transfusions, I'm going to take Lara to Cas room." Cas stopped him,

"I will take her, you need to clean up her room while Sam is looking for the equipment he needs," Shaking his head Dean carried Lara and placed her on the bed in Cas' room,

"No offence Cas but she is my sister." As he pulled a blanket to cover her frail looking body, he pushed a lock of her hair out of her face, "Why did you do it Lara?" he asked before pulling up a chair and placing it beside her bed. He sat and took her small hand in his large calloused ones. Soon Sam was back with the transfusion kit. It looked like something out of the 50s with four glass bottles that had pint lines on them. These had a clear rubber tube coming out of each of them which was held in place by a rubber stopper; in his hand are another two tubes, each of the tubes had a clip on the end at the top of the tube just underneath the rubber stops.

"This is all I could find, Cas could you bring me some boiled water please?" Sam asked before he pulled out a medical kit to swab iodine on the inside of Dean and Lara's elbows. Once Cas arrived back with the bowl of water, he placed the tubes and the glass bottles in there; ensuring they were fully cleaned by the hot water before pulling them out again.

"Not the most effective of sterilisation but it still does the job." Moving Dean slightly he tied a tourniquet around Deans arm and tightened it.

As Dean made a fist the vein began to bulge, "Dean you will feel a slight pinch, but you need to stay sitting while the bottle fills." He touched a hand to Lara's arm before pulling back, "for her to pass out from blood loss she would have had to lose at least 4 pints of blood, so we have to give 2 pints each. Ready?" He asked Dean before slowly inserting the needle into the vein, taping it down with micro pore.

Moving he put the bottle on the floor next to Deans' chair and removed the tourniquet so the blood would collect in the container.

While this was happening, Cas disappeared out of the room before returning with a carton of orange juice and a plate of biscuits,

"This is what they do on those hospital programs Dean loves to watch." He said before he placed the stuff on the bedside table next to Lara's bed.

After what seemed like a long time the bottle had filled so he clipped the tube before he attached the rubber stopper to the second bottle. Again, a tourniquet was placed on Lara's arm until the vein started to show. Turning he attached one of the spare sterile tubes to the bottle before turning it upside down which allowed the blood to fill the tube and start dripping out of the needle slightly.

"Cas can you hold this please – it needs to be upside down so it will flow back into Lara." Once Cas has the bottle, he slowly inserted the second needle into Lara's arm before he removed the tourniquet to allow the blood to travel in her system.


"Will she be alright?" Dean asked as he and Sam sipped the orange juice while Cas was holding the last bottle up which contained Sam's donated blood. Sammy nodded at him,

"She should be, but we need to talk now before she wakes up? Why would she do that?" Sammy asked his big brother, frowning as he remembered the scene in her room.

While they were doing the transfusion Cadi and Lacey had gone to clean up Lara's room; the smell of bleach permeated the corridor behind them, "Did she give any indication on what she was going to do?" Dean shook his head,

"No, she went to her room before you rang me and she was fine then" Dean said rubbing away the headache that had formed behind his eyes.

"Well something must have triggered her; we will just have to ask her when she wakes up." Sammy looked around the room and noticed the bottle Cas was holding was almost empty. Slowly getting up he removed the needle and placed a cotton ball there with another piece of micro pore. Folding her arm at the elbow he laid it against her chest. "Cas are you ok to find somewhere else to rest, I think one of us should stay with her tonight." Cas looked like he is about to argue but just nodded his head and left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Sammy go and get some sleep I'll stay with her tonight." Dean said as he stood up from the chair and moved to the empty side of the double bed, "You need to rest what with hunting and playing doctor. You also need to spend time with your wife and daughter." Nodding Sammy also left the room so Dean laid on the bed next to Lara. Holding her cool hand he looked at his sister with guilt in his eyes, "Lara honey why didn't you speak to me. Nothing is ever this bad." Closing his eyes, he fell asleep straight away but even in sleep his hand held hers tightly.

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