Chapter 5

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The journey back to the bunker was so quiet, I just couldn't believe the apple pie Reynolds family were hunters. Feeling very tired I laid my head against the window wishing it was Cas here instead but he went back to the bunker to keep an eye on Lacey and Deana.

Dean had said I had to travel with them so stifling a yawn I stared ahead out of the windscreen watching the road ahead of us. My brothers were murmuring softly in the front but it took too much effort to try and listen to what they are saying...I'd rather be deep in my thoughts and on the way to sleep land then strike up a conversation with anyone.

Closing my eyes, I feign sleep as we have a nine-hour drive, so hopefully, sleep would come soon.


Sam looked in the back and saw Lara sleeping against the window.

"She is finally sleeping." He said turning in his seat to look at Dean, "I think she would've preferred to travel back with Cas, Dean." Dean glanced in the mirror before he looked at the road ahead.

"I know but while I can't control either of their feelings; I can control how much time they spend alone together." Sammy looked at Dean aghast.

"I don't think they would've been alone for long not with Lacey and Deana being there." He glanced back at Lara as he heard her whimpering in her sleep.

"I can't take that risk. How on earth do I protect a sister Sammy?" Pulling onto the side of the road he turned towards his brother,

"She is a grown woman Dean; we can't protect her...we can teach her how to fight and defend herself against the monsters of the world but we can't help her fight her own heart." Suddenly Lara started crying in her sleep, grief clearly etched on her face. Both brothers looked at her with shared grief on their own; they had lost a lot of friends and family so knew what she was going through.

"Will you drive Sammy; I want to sit in the back with Lara...I can't stand to see her hurt." He Handed the keys to Sammy and got out of the car before he climbed in the back seat. Pulling her towards him he enveloped her small frame in his arms making nonsense shushing noises to calm her down.

"Do you want to stop for the night somewhere? Maybe get some rest as we have been up for nearly 20 hours." Sammy asked Dean who nodded his head before turning back to Lara

"Shh Lara it's ok I've got you." He held her tight while his heart broke a little bit more; it's not fair that she had to lose someone so close to her. Sammy and he have had plenty of experience with death and grief but not her; she lost her mum and best friend in a matter of years.

"Dean?" Her whispered voice floats from where her head is against his shoulder, "will it ever stop hurting?" He squeezed her tight,

"It will never stop hurting but eventually you will find the strength to keep going through all the pain." He felt her shift slightly,

"Thank you for being my older brother." She said before once again drifting off to sleep,

"Thank you for being my baby sister." He whispered into her hair before looking at Sammy, "Yeah let's stop somewhere to get a decent night kip. I'm sure Garths' roadhouse is not far from here." He said as Sammy pulled back onto the road.


"Come on baby doll we are stopping for the night." I'm awoken by Dean gently shaking my shoulder. "We are stopping at a friend's place."

Tiredly I looked up at my brother before looking at the building in front of us,

"Where are we?" I asked pushing myself up.

Guardian AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon