Chapter 13 (trigger warning)

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"And when I walked in, they were all over each other." Dean said to Sammy as they were packing up weapons for the case. "I'm glad you are taking Cas with you; I can't see them together like that. I think I need to burn my eyes out."

"Dean we've discussed this, you cannot stop this. If they have feelings for each other then there is nothing we can do." Sammy picked up his gun and checked to make sure it was fully loaded and the safety was on before he put it in the holster on jeans. "Look they are both adults, as long as they are careful then who are we to stop them." Sammy turned as he saw Jack enter the room. He had a soft spot for this boy, he was like the younger brother Sammy never had. "Hey Jack." He said before the rest of his weapons were put in the duffle bags.

"Sam, have you seen my father?" Jack asked him as he sat on the table next to them,

"He will be out in a minute; he was in with Lara?" Dean said through gritted teeth. Jack gave him a questioning look but Sam shook his head at him to tell him not to ask.

"Dean really do you have to act like that?" Lara's honeyed voice sounded from behind them before she noticed Jack sitting at the table. "Oh, you must be Jack, we've not been introduced." As she shook his hand, she introduced herself. Sam looked at Dean and shrugged.

"Come on time to go. Tell Cas we will meet him in the car." Sam said as he and Jack left the bunker. As I turned to speak to Dean, he looked at me in disgust and walked away from me. I just stood there with my mouth open. Just as I go to follow my brother, I felt a hand rest on my arm. As I turned around, I smiled up at Cas and gave him a gentle kiss.

"Be Safe." I said pulling him into a hug. He nodded and lightly touched my face before he walked out to meet the others at the car. Not wanting to speak to anyone I grabbed my trainers and phone to go for a walk, the air should clear my head a bit. As I started to leave the bunker I heard footsteps as they ran up behind me.

"Lara wait, where are you going?" I turned and saw Dean at the bottom of the stairs, "I'm going for a you want to join me?" I could him debating with himself but eventually he nodded his head.

"Give me five minutes to let Cadi and Lacey know where we are going." Nodding I leaned against the banister to wait for my older brother to come back. When he did, we both walked into the cold frigid air.

"So, look Dean I know you aren't happy with Cas and me, but I know what I'm doing?" Peering at my brother I saw he was chewing his bottom lip to try and figure out what to say to me. He pulled me to the side of the road and indicated a bench where we could sit.

"Look Lara, I'm still trying to get use to the idea of having a baby sister; now I need to get used to Cas and you being a thing. At least give me a chance to get used to one piece of news first." He smiled as I turned away.

"Dean I..." suddenly I heard a thump and spot Dean out cold on the floor. Jumping up I tried to see what had happened but before I do a punch against my head sent me sprawling towards the dirt with my brother.


I am woken by the feeling of blood running down my face. As I tried to move my hands, I noticed they were tied to what appeared to be a metal ring on the floor, my feet are also tied together to prohibit movement. Looking around the dark room I tried and spot my brother somewhere in the vicinity.

"Dean..." whispering I strained to hear if he was in this room with me, " there?" Suddenly I heard what sounded like someone waking up far away from me, "Dean..."

"Lara..." My older brothers voice echoed from a distance away from me but in the same room. I took a deep breath as fear filled my voice.

"Where are we?" I asked him as I tried to figure a way out of the ropes and chains.

"I don't know..." I stilled myself as I heard voices approaching, "Lara pretend you are still out." Dean said from his position in the room. As the door opened a torch light showed around the frame. I closed my eyes and held my breath.

"Well, well look what we have here?" The voice was gravelly and mocking, "seems we have two Winchesters trussed up all ready for us."

"Who are you?" My brother's voice sounded angry as he questioned the person who had entered the room.

"Now my boy why would I ever tell you?" The voice sounded like it was closer to my side of the room, "I only wanted one Winchester..." I squeaked as I felt a hand land on my chest and squeezed my breast hard which caused me to whimper in pain. "Mmm-hmm give me your fear little bird, I so enjoy the bouquet of it."

"Get your hands off of her you piece of shit." My brother yelled from his side of the room. Suddenly the lights flickered on and I saw the man in front of me. His blue eyes are cold but then blackness covered the eye while his mouth appeared to be in a permanent smirk. He ran a hand down my face while I tried to turn and bite him, but he moved it out of the way very quickly. Smirking at me he stood up and walked towards where Dean was hooked to the wall.

"Come here boy." The man grabbed him of the hook and pulled him toward me, "Now my boy your brother killed my pets, so I'm very pissed at you." He pointed a finger in my direction, "She was promised to me and you took her away." He suddenly gagged my brother and hung him off another hook which was closer to me. "Now you can watch while I take what was promised to me by Lamashtu."

Screaming I fought the demon in front of me but without the use of my hands and my legs there was nothing I could do. A sudden punch to my face leaft me swimming in and out of consciousness as rough hands ripped the rope from around my feet before he pulled at my tracksuit bottoms until the cold air hit my lower half. Cringing I tried to fight again but once my legs were tied spread eagle there was nothing I could do.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dean as he tried to get out of the chains around his wrist while he screamed around the gag in his mouth. Suddenly I felt my entire body go cold as my top was also ripped from my body that caused me to shake with the force of it. Cruel hands started to knead at my breasts before I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down. I froze as realization hit me about what was going to happen and there was no way to get away from this.

Another punch to my face caused me to see stars as the guy above me started forcefully pushing his way in and out of me. I screamed as tears flow down my cheeks and the relentless pain between my legs became worse. Smirking at me the guy above me hit me one last time and sent me into the darkness.

He needed to get to her. As he tried to lift himself off the hook, he could see the Demon raping his sister and felt his heart breaking. He was meant to protect her and now a monster was doing this to her. Suddenly the Demon shuddered as his climax hit him and Dean found himself slipping of the hook. Taking a run, he tackled the Demon and pullied him away from Lara before he started beating the crap out of the black-eyed freak.

Once the Demon got the upper hand, he threw Dean into the wall where he slid to the ground. The pain in his shoulder told him that something was possibly broken but he could not stop. Once the Demon stood back next to his sister to carry on molesting her, he started reciting the exorcism under his breath so the Demon didn't realise what was going on.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine...quem inferi tremunt...Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos."

He smiled as the filthy black smoke left the meat suits body before the body collapsed on top of Lara. Pulling away from the wall he made his unsteady way to Lara to pull the piece of shit off of her. Once he did, he felt the tears in his eyes as he saw the state of his sister. One handed he started to undo the ropes around her arms and legs before removing his jacket to take off the plaid shirt underneath so he could wrap her in it. Groaning in pain as he lifted her with his damaged shoulder as he carried her out of the room and into the sunlight,

"I've got you Lara. You are safe now."

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