Chapter 2 - Not One Of Us

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Yes. The title is a reference to that song. :D

This chapter takes place during the second season of the series.

A few weeks have passed and Reirei continues training Maalum, along with the other jackals. However, whenever she wants to implement one of her plans, the little hybrid refuses to participate, remaining hidden in the Outlands.

One day, Maalum watches the pack coming back, after being beaten by Bunga and those cubs they tried to eat.

"It's all your fault, Goigoi!" Reirei scolds her mate, as usual. "You should have watched the Lion Guard!"

"Sorry, sugar snout."

"I don't believe we were expelled by that... babies. What a shame."

Maalum overhears the conversation: "Wait. Did you... tried to eat the cubs of the Pride Lands?!" He's shocked.

"It was a perfect plan." Reirei complains, scolding the little hybrid. "And, once again, you have escaped your responsibilities!"

"You know I don't like these things!" He speaks louder.

"Maalum! I'm tired of teaching you and you never learn anything! This is our lifestyle, the jackal style! You're part of the pack and you have to respect our style!"

"I will never be like you!" Maalum runs out, upset.

"Maalum!" Reirei screams, but he ignores her.

When running upset, Maalum doesn't notice where he's going and crashes into a little jackal, knocking him over.

"Hey! Watch where you are!" It's Dogo.


"It could only be you. You're always where you shouldn't."

"Dogo. I know I'm not a jackal. You don't have to keep saying that to me, okay?"

"Why don't you go away?"


"Dogo!" Kijana appears, upset. "Leave Maalum alone!"

"I'm not doing anything to him, sis." He responds in an ironic tone.

Kijana ignores her brother and goes to Maalum, seeing him discouraged. "Maalum? What do you have?"

"Kijana. I... I'm not one of you."

"Maalum. Don't listen what Dogo says. He's an idiot."

"Hey!" Dogo grumbles, continuing watching the conversation there.

"Dogo has nothing to do with this. I don't fit in here. The jackal style isn't for me."

"Maalum." Kijana nuzzles Maalum's head. "You have many jackals here that like you. I like you very much. You're my best friend, Maalum." He starts smiling when he hears Kijana, who blushes slightly.

"Thank you, Kijana. You're really my best friend."

After a few seconds of watching each other with a smile, his face and hers loving, Maalum decides to walk again, turning his back on the female.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Asks Kijana, wanting to spend more time with him.

"Sorry, Kijana. I just need to be alone for a while." He continues walking, sad.

Kijana turns to Dogo, upset, and gives him a strong push. "Ouch! What did I do?!" He asks, surprised.

Several days later, Reirei calls a meeting with all jackals: "Jackals! The Lion Guard expelled us from the Pride Lands too many times. Now we'll be the ones to expel them from there! Soon, the Pride Lands will be ours and of all our allies!"

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